Saturday, August 31, 2019

American studies

Parrington is credited to be the person who founded American studies due to his winning Pulitzer Prize in the American thought. American studies are an interdisciplinary discipline which deals with the studies of united stated. Incorporated in the American studies are disciplines like economics, literature, history and women’s culture. Also included in the American studies are the film and urban studies as well as the culture of United States. Traditionally, it was believed that knowledge was meant for men and thus was discriminatory.The modern American studies have challenged that in that in today’s culture and practice, women have been given equal opportunity to pursue careers in all fields which were earlier male dominated. Also, the traditional setting of studies segregated the aliens on basis of race and color. The modern studies have challenged this believe by incorporating all individuals in the scholarship arrangements. Critics in favor of traditional approach a rgue that incorporating multiculturalism in American studies may deny the students from experiencing their real culture.This has been challenged by modern studies with scholars arguing that multiculturalism would lead to democracy in America thus is beneficial. Traditional studies also had dismissed some scholarly projects which have been lately accepted by the modern studies. Modern studies also allows interdisciplinary work and which has led to more women being accepted as equal partners by their male counterparts (Kessler-Harris Alice, para 2). This paper will thus focus on the patterns the American studies have taken and the importance of multicultural integrated studies to both the students and the United States.American studies history, patterns and its implications American studies dates back to the 1920s and 1930s but was more profound during the Second World War and also during the post war era which fostered a climate of patriotism and nationalism. The war led to the need of defending the values of the United States which led to the alteration of most of the careers and this also altered the view of the whole world on academics. The traditional method of the American studies was explained by the use of myth and symbol.Scholars advocating for this form of system claimed to have identified some recurring themes which were being used in American texts. Such recurring texts were meant to illuminate and esteem the American culture which was unique (Levander Caroline, para 3). During the myth and symbol era which was in led to innovation of American studies, white men Protestants were the scholars. Their aim was to try to understand and single out the American exceptionalism. In so doing, they left out everybody else.This mode of studies emerged during the cold war period and was seen as an effort to justify the dominance of America after the Second World War and also to celebrate the exceptionalism of America. This was the first shape the American studies took in the 1950s. However, the politics of 1960s led to the transformation of the academic field as well as the society at large. After this transformation, women and racial diversity as well as other workers were recognized. This creation story is criticized on the ground that it failed too acknowledge the scholarships which characterized the post war years.Also this traditional approach of studies does not acknowledge the fact that American studies were invented long before the cold war era. American studies emerged in 1930s and was being practiced by many scholars both within and outside the myth and symbol academy. The concerns of these scholars paved way for today’s American studies (Maddox Lucy, pp 12). The Marxism school of thoughts helps in explaining the different patterns that the American studies have gone through to the currents multicultural form of scholarship.However, they are not distinct and tend to overlap at various intervals. The first school of thought is that of Karl Marxism. This school focused on the struggle existing between capitol and labor as well as the tradition of politics which engaged in scholarship and which motivated people to pursue their craft. Scholarship in this period was founded on recognition of the negative impacts of the industrial capitalism and class divisions which were profound in United States. The practitioners of those days were the public intellectuals and were involved in both the politics and social matters.This group of scholars advocated for a socialist tradition as they termed industrial capitalist to be hostile and against democracy (May Elaine Tyler, para 4). These academic practitioners engaged in fields which were emerging known as the academic mavericks challenged the state of the studies in practice and also expanded the scope of the study both in method and also in content. In doing this, they first explored the unique characteristic of American culture. During this era, America was thoug ht to be an inferior extension of Europe.The intellectuals of the time had ignored the literature of America since it was viewed to be of low standards. The practitioners had a task to retrieve and restore American literature from the set academic considerations margin. American literature was legitimized and instituted within the academy of learning. Post war critics however focused their analysis on the text but the researchers sought to base their analysis on the literature’s history as well as the cultural changes. Focusing on the cultural diversity led to emergence of the modern multicultural American studies (May Elaine Tyler, para 6).Evolution of American studies is also credited to the historians of the 1920s and 1930s. Unlike their counterparts in literature, these historians focused their study on government, politics and the prevailing wars. Some of the historians focused their attention on the democratic spirit exhibited by American people as they were fighting th e aristocracy of the Europeans and also the monopoly of the American capital. A study by Mary Beard acknowledged the role of women in history making unlike in traditional setting where women were not recognized.Democracy which emerged in United States at this era led to more minorities being given a chance to exercise their abilities thus the emergence of American studies (Kessler-Harris Alicev, para 5). Another school which explains the pattern the American studies have taken is the Leo Marxism School which takes a myth and symbol approach. This school emerged during the cold war time. The political and intellectual culture which had earlier developed started to wane after the Second World War. During the cold war, Americanism and democracy as well as capitalism and established institutions were classified together.During this era, international affairs and official activities took the central stage of the United States. This in turn led to the destruction and elimination of capita lism which in turn led to United States being described as classless by some intellectuals and policy makers. Elimination of social classes led to the cohesion of America thus setting it apart from all other states (May Elaine Tyler, para 9). The effects of post war period led to many changes occurring in the American studies.This era was characterized by institutions building and full institution of interdisciplinary fledging enterprises. Interdisciplinary field was more visible during this period which saw most of the scholars identifying with it. American studies were incorporated in the universities, at home as well as abroad during this period. During this period, regional associations emerged which were managed through grants from the public and also from private funding. The need for an informed nation and the values the country was deriving from this informed nation led to an increase in interest in the studies.This saw United States becoming the market leader in offering st udies (Guernsey Lisa, para 3). The traditional believe about scholarship was that only the people considered to be ‘intellectuals’ were in a position to make important decisions concerning the direction the state was to take. This was meant to esteem the uniqueness of the United States and in doing so, the intellectuals left out all other people. The minority groups mostly the blacks were also not considered as being capable of contributing to the overall development of the country.With the current or modern American studies program, this has been challenged in that America is a multicultural country and as such the contribution of every person is necessary to ensure its growth. Introduction of American studies program led to a more informed people in the country thus more development making the United States to be ahead of all other states in terms of development (May Elaine Tyler, para 11). Traditional approach to scholarship also advocated for maintenance of a nation al identity by ensuring that all minor groups and aliens were alienated from the American studies.However, this has been proved to be erroneous in that the introduction of black history has not so far been troublesome in the country. Such inclusion has also led to changing and shaping and avoiding dominance by one particular group especially the whites and has helped in promoting the notion of a common vision in the country. Also, the traditional believe was that women were a minority and could not contribute to the general growth of the economy. This is erroneous since accomplishments of great women such as Jane Addams have not posed any threat in terms of gender and class divisions.Whereas the traditional approach to studies fostered divisions and racism, the modern form of study program fosters more unity in the country (Guernsey Lisa, para 7). Conclusion American studies have evolved over long period from the time when it was believed that the minorities and women were not to be integrated into the country’s form of scholarship to the modern integrative form of scholarship program. American studies have also been adopted by different countries and thus has helped in forging more cooperation and understanding among nations.Recognition that all individuals have a right to pursue their careers without any form of discrimination on either gender, racial or even color and integration of multiculturalism in American studies have helped in shaping and the superiority of the modern American studies. Work cited: Guernsey Lisa: A Movement in the Mirror: American Studies in the 1970s. Retrieved on 5th January 2009 from, http://xroads. virginia. edu/%7EMA95/guernsey/chap1_1. html Kessler-Harris Alice: Cultural Locations: Positioning American Studies in the Great Debate. (1992). Retrieved on 5th January 2009 from,http://xroads. virginia. edu/%7EMA95/guernsey/kharris. html Levander Caroline: The Changing Landscape of American Studies in a Global Era. Retrieved on 5th January 2009 from, http://www. clir. org/activities/digitalscholar2/levander11_11. pdf. Maddox Lucy: Locating American Studies: The Evolution of a Discipline. 1999. Published by JHU Press, ISBN 0801860563 May Elaine Tyler: The Radical Roots of American Studies†: Presidential Address to the American Studies Association. 1995. Retrieved on 5th January 2009 from, http://academics. eckerd. edu/instructor/junkinwf/SyllabiF06/griggscm/AM401/May. htm

Hamlet Essay – Themes

Any text that is rich in technique and deals with universal concerns will be effective in communicating significant ideas to the responder regardless of the context of the audience. Shakespeare’s revenge tragedy play, Hamlet, explores concerns such as morality and the difficulty of taking action, especially when certainty is impossible. His young protagonist, Hamlet, acts as an effective vehicle as he uses powerful language to explore his moral dilemmas.What distinguishes Hamlet from other revenge tragedy plays is the amount of action expected, especially from Hamlet himself as he continuously hesitates due to him trying to be absolute certain of his actions. Hamlet handles an extremely complicated dilemma which is a combination of feelings that does not allow him to be tranquil. One of the reasons is due to the mourning of his father’s death, which he already feels distraught about. The other reason for Hamlet’s problem is his mother’s sudden remarriage o f her brother-in-law, Claudius, whom here in this play he is presented as the villain.As Hamlet says, â€Å"A little month, or ere those shoes were old†¦ a beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourned longer. † Hamlet here is showing his disgust towards Gertrude, his mother, as she is remarrying only two months after her husband’s death. Furthermore Claudius is blood related to Hamlet hence deepening his anger, turning to madness. Hamlets hatred towards Gertrude is seen in Act 1 scene 2 as Hamlet expressed in a negative tone; â€Å"seems, madam! Nay it is; I know not seems. / This not alone my inky cloak, good mother,† Also Hamlet’s first soliloquy in the play shows his distress towards Claudius and Gertrude’s marriage.His internal dilemma is explicitly shown when this ghost of Hamlet’s father appears in Act 1 scene 5 as he calls upon, â€Å"Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder. † It is from this point forward th at Hamlet struggles with the dilemma of whether or not to kill Claudius, and if so, when to do it. Doubts and uncertainty arises as the ghost disappears, as suggested when he says, â€Å"Are you spirit of health or goblin damned? † This uncertainty is crucial as this is the beginning point of Hamlet’s internal struggle. My personal view of why Hamlet delays his action is because of the question, â€Å"Is this morally correct. Hamlet is a thinker a philosopher, shown clearly by his use of words and language that contains double meaning, â€Å"Ay, madam it is common† with the word â€Å"common† suggest literal meaning, it is common that â€Å"all lives must die†, and figuratively it is common to remarry straight after her husbands death. From this fact that Hamlet is a thinker, he questions himself and is amazed by the human structure, shown in one of his soliloquies he stated with exclamatory: â€Å"Oh what a piece of work is man! † The myst ery of the afterlife is what prevents himself from killing himself. This is shown in his most famous soliloquy: â€Å"To be, or not to be. In other words, â€Å"to die, or not do die†. The unknown factors of the afterlife as well as the morality of it, is what caused the delay for killing Claudius. Hamlet retains its value and textual integrity because it explores universal concerns that still remain in today’s society. Some of these concerns in today’s society are the morality and hesitation of taking action is explicitly shown in two scenes from Hamlet; Act 1 scene 2 and scene 5. The use of powerful language techniques such as soliloquies, metaphors and asides helps being out the message to the responder, hence having textual integrity.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ill effects of smoking in INDIA

â€Å"Smoking is Injurious to health† A true, accepted but an UN-acquired fact by the majority of genes of the world. People are careless for their health, family, environment and moreover for their motherland. People who smoke not only put these people in danger but themselves too as it seem for them that they don't value their life and put it into danger. India is a country where Cigarettes needs to be termed â€Å"Illegal†, as majority of smoking, smoker and it apparatus (tobacco, nicotine, etc. ), are dwelled here.India, the youngest country with high population and major of thou being â€Å"Youth†, is inhered to bad habits (alcohols, rugs) at a great pace. One of which is â€Å"Smoking†. Both the adults as well as youth are badly addicted to it. â€Å"Excess of anything leads to Disaster!!! † This quote correctly describes the current status of our land, India. As major of the population smokes, which lead to hundreds of deaths between the age of twenty to sixty-five. If one who smokes measures out the amount of â€Å"Tar† present out In his lungs it'd be about a liter, which Is sufficient to make him Ill, very Ill.Tar Is a poisonous toxin, which when gets accumulated In excess In our lung causes choking ND ultimately leads to â€Å"Death, Death, and Death!!! â€Å". In a country like India, there are severe problems which dwell Including the severe most â€Å"Corruption† ,add on another, â€Å"Smoking†, which adds on to the cause of destruction for our country. It has not only one but many adverse effects: 1 . Causes air, water and land pollution; 2. Danger to life; 3. Financial crises In a family; 4. Epidemic disorders like, â€Å"Cancer†; Thus, concluding my point that, â€Å"Cigarettes should be Illegal In India†, as It Is the mall cause of smoking and â€Å"Smoking Kills!!! â€Å"

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Workplace Inequity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Workplace Inequity - Essay Example That may make them more satisfied with their "work" in the short run, but their performance certainly didn't improve. Each and every organization is faced with people challenges. How do you get public moving in the right direction Start where they are. The first step is to provide feedback to employees from their current point of view. That is where Inscape Publishing comes in. For nearly 30 years Inscape guides have been first choice for research-based self-assessments. They've helped over 30 million people worldwide progress performance, increase job satisfaction and value differences (Hines, 1990). Through out summary of our database is presented here on the basis of all responses. First of all we sort 250 responses by gender and therefore we conclude that in gender distribution males has less contribution than the females that is approximately 38%; similarly the female percentage observes approximately 62% regarding this database. According to table we can easily observe the percentages of participants in each department, and conclude that administration department having maximum percentages as well as human resource having least percentages of selected employees. According to this table, we can observe that the mean overall satisfaction by gender having greater percentages in female category, that is 4.3187 mean satisfactions and for males its 4.1874 mean satisfaction according to job satisfactory level with their jobs. So we can say that there is very slight difference in terms of mean overall satisfaction by gender. If we choose a person at random from this database: - What is the probability that this person will be between 22

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

BUSINESS ETHICS ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

BUSINESS ETHICS ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example ny name, Kenneth Lay was made the Chief Executive Officer and he wanted to expand Enron’s market share as well as the type of markets Enron was in since he had a very different vision for the new shape of the company (Welch, 2005). Houston Natural Gas had previously been in the business of making their money from junk bonds which were also used in the formation of Enron. At the same time, Kenneth Lay wanted to become the biggest player in the energy sector through successful trade earnings from futures contracts (NPR, 2006). To his advantage, Spectrum 7, an oil-well concern welcomed a partnership with Enron a year after its creation. Spectrum 7 was headed by George W. Bush, son of the then-Vice President George H. W. Bush. With falling gas prices in the mid 1980’s, Enron and other gas firms vigorously lobbied for deregulation to get benefits for themselves (Thomas, 2002). It has been known for many years that ethically dubious political connections can help a business but such situations often come to light if the business is unsuccessful (Medawar, 1976). The deregulation action came into effect when buyers switched to the fuel oil as the cheaper alternative. Fluctuating gas prices allowed Enron to start marketing gas futures; securing gas prices at a later date promised to their stakeholders. Similarly, the company lobbied once again for electricity just before selling electric power futures contracts (NPR, 2006). From then on, Enron was aggressive in expanding its services in other sectors such as the water utility sector by creating a company named Azurix which partly collapsed on the NYSE in 1999 and finally shut down operations in 2001 (Thomas, 2002). Concurrently, Jeffery Skilling who had been hired in 1990 to lead the financial side of Enron’s operation became a major personality of the energy trading businesses and became the president and COO for Enron. He built wealth reserves for the company by trading in thirty different industries and was

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


THE CURRENT POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EUROPE AND CHINA - Essay Example During the Cold War Era, China was the largest and most powerful ally of the Soviet Union and the EU was the largest and most powerful ally of the US during the Cold War Era. What makes these alliances all the more important and interesting is the fact that the US and the USSR were divided in terms of political ideologies. The US represented capitalism and the USSR represented Socialism. With the collapse of the USSR in the late 1980s, China did not take over the role of successor to the USSR in leading the charge against capitalism, but demonstrated a desire to buy into capitalism to a certain extent. That China would remain committed to its Socialist system and embrace change with the aid of capitalist powers such as the EU is an enigma. The EU’s role in the strategic partnership is also interesting. The EU represents and promotes international standards for human rights protection and is at odds with the standard of human rights protection in China. Moreover, the EU imposed an armed embargo on China in the 1980s, just after signing a trade agreement with China. Yet the EU has been able to form a strategic partnership with China that appears to have strengthened over the years. Therefore studying the political and economic features of the relationship between China and the EU provides interesting insights into the politics and economics of bilateralism and multilateralism. The current political and economic relationship between China and the EU is contained in a strategic partnership which was announced in 2003. The strategic partnership arose out of Communications by the European Council in 1998 and 2001both of which addressed the shortcomings in a purely economic relationship in the trade agreement between the two in 1985. Although some scholars have criticized the strategic partnership between the EU and China on the grounds that it is unclear, the relationship has survived for more than a decade. Both the EU and China have expressed satisfaction wi th the political and economic gains enabled by the strategic partnership. This research report collects reports in the literature that shed light on the strategic partnership and demonstrates that, despite its problems, it has provided both the EU and China with economic and political benefits. These political and economic benefits appear to offset any differences between the two: the EU’s dissatisfaction with China’s human rights standards and China’s dissatisfaction with the EU’s attempt to interfere with the internal affairs of China. Annotated Bibliography Algieri, F. (2002). â€Å"EU Economic Relations with China: An Institutionalist Perspective.† In Edmonds, R. L. (Ed.) China and Europe Since 1978: A European Perspective. The China Quarterly Special Issues, New Series, No. 2. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Algieri’s (2002) chapter which appears in a book on China and Europe’s relationship since 1978 provides detailed insight into the various agreements between the two and communications by the European Council on the changes that took place. Algieri’s (2002) account only goes as far as the 2001 Communication by the European Council, but does provide important background information for further research into this developing relationship. Algieri (2002) makes sense of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Intertexing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intertexing - Assignment Example Intertexing I have to work out right behaviors with whatever skills are left to me. Sadness and rage may at time strike in and at that point we are susceptible to depression but one doesn’t have to yield to these emotions to take control. One should take full charge and seek means to stay in peace rather going through moments of depression. It is one’s responsibility to engage in behaviors that do not encourage unhappiness. One should not be open to these emotions which makes him/her miserable. Happiness starts from within. Linda Christensen –Unlearning Myths. Mairs I was nourished on the milk of American culture: I cleaned the dwarfs’ house and waited for prince charming to bring me life; I swooned in Rhett Butler’s arms – my waist as narrow and my bosom every bit as heaving as scarlet’s; I thrilled to the adventures of Swiss Family Robinson, whose tormentors were as worthy hoard of Asian and Africans. Being under the hands of superiors, one is s ubject to them and is always at their service while hoping someone can help them out of the situation. However, desires can’t be achieved unless one takes a step out of the situation that is causing problems. Hayman R.L. - Smart People. Biklen I am not sure when I found out that some kids had high IQs. When I did find out, I’m not sure I much cared. When we were kids, learned our own ideas about â€Å"smart†, and they had very little to do with IQs. ... The girls, meanwhile, probably had their own hierarchy, but in the third grade, that was a mystery we boys had no interest in solving. The children may have high IQs as well as being smart in what they do but they need guidance from parents and teachers to improve their performance and that’s why they should be involved in IQ tests and other exams to determine the abilities. Children’s cognitive abilities unless well directed may lead to bad characters like insulting their peers and family members and also may get involved in petty crimes. Biklen Hayman R.L. Obviously, parents do not impose intelligence tests or other exams to establish the eligibility of children to participate in family life; it would be bizarre if they did. Rather, the Galatis and many other families promote their children, looking for ways for them to participate in mainstream activities. The question for schools, as for families, is this; should they fashion themselves as gatekeepers, engaged in a careful if somewhat arbitrary sorting process, â€Å"putting children in their place?† or is it the role of schools could use the crucible of everyday events as the proper context for assessing how to include and educate students; this would be an alternative to the common practice of assessing-to-place. The latter tends to the catalogue students’ deficits or disabilities. The former focuses only on issues of teaching and learning. Parents and teachers do not necessarily determine their children’s intelligence since children have their own way of learning as they interact with their peers. Kids need to nurture their own interests rather than depending purely on the interests of parents and teachers.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Starwood Project Part Three Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Starwood Project Part Three - Research Paper Example What this means is that if the steward falters in ensuring that such roles are performed to their logical perfection, the facility will be affected severely because customers will not be pleased. As with all profit based organizations, once the customer is not pleased, the resulting circumstance is that profits will begin to decline (Schein, 2002). Another critical aspect of stewarding as applies to the present case of Phoenician Resort is the fact that the processes undertaken by the steward go a long way to determine the speed of work at the facility. Once speed is directly related to the amount of work that can be done within a given timeframe, it could also be said that the processes and the speed for that matter affects the efficiency of the whole facility (Barney, 2001). To sum it all, the present process analysis would therefore look at ways of making the work of the steward more effective and efficient. A flowchart illustrating the new process The benefits that the POI progra m can bring to Starwood As outlined in the overview, a consideration of the whole processes that take place at Phoenician Resort presently would directly impact on the efficiency and effectiveness at the facility. Luckily, the adjustment of the present process into a new model is directly incorporated into the roles of the POI. What this means is that the PI program brings to Starwood as a parent company, an efficient and effective workforce that is led by the stewards. Interestingly, both effectiveness and efficiency have some rates of affecting the productivity that is recorded at the workplace positively (Al-Ghorfa, 2009). For instance if the processes are adjusted such that the steward can perform his roles more effectively by delivering high quality tasks, more and more customers are going to be pleased and would consider this as excellent customer service. Hitherto, those whose commitment levels were low in terms of doing business with the company would have their decisions re scinded because they are going to have reasons for assured quality of service. On the part of efficiency, it would be expected that as more customers become pleased with the quality of service and they demand for more service, the factor of efficiency would be there to match up the demand. At the end, there will be as much supply as demand from customers would pose and this would be a very positive factor for improving productivity. In all, the POI program would benefit Starwood because it would ensure and increase quality, which would subsequently increase patronage and then productivity, which would also increase revenue for the company. Extending Benefits to other processes and properties within the Starwood system Indeed, the workforce at Starwood that makes up the Starwood system is interrelated and coordinated. In such a situation, the shortfalls and strengths of one sector affect what happens in most other sectors (Barney, 2001). Given the case of the benefits that the POI wo uld have on the processes of the stewards, it can boldly be said that indeed, these benefits can be extended to other processes and properties within the Starwood system. The reason why this is so, is that Phoenician Resort represents Starwood as a larger corporate image. Subsequently, the proposed benefits of efficiency and effectiveness, which would be translated into productivity and revenue, would

Saturday, August 24, 2019

E cigarettes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

E cigarettes - Research Paper Example This paper will look into the similarities in the physical description of the e cigarette and the cigarette. I shall discuss the chemical components that make up the e cigarette and whether smokers prefer one product over the other and why. Then I shall conclude as to whether the cigarette or e cigarette is the better, healthier alternative to a quick nicotine fix. The similarities between the cigarette and e cigarette mainly lies in the fact that they both look like regular cigarettes. But while one has to be lit and puffed on in order to draw out the nicotine, thus burning away the paper and tobacco base of the product, the e cigarette is electronic based and relies on an electronic delivery system to deliver liquid tar into the system of the user. The use of the e cigarette is described as: Electronic cigarettes typically use a rechargeable battery-operated heating element to vaporize the nicotine in a replaceable cartridge. Nicotine is usually dissolved in propylene glycol, a clear and colorless liquid that is commonly found in inhalers, cough medicines and other products. The only commonality between the regular cigarette and the e cigarette is the fact that they are both meant to produce a particular type of smoke flavor that smokers can easily recognize. However, the flavor is produced in regular cigarettes by burning tobacco rolled in paper while the electronic cigarette creates the flavor using an atomized liquid. (â€Å"Comparing Regular Cigarettes with Regular Cigarettes†). In fact, both types of cigarettes are known to produce certain types of illnesses in their users that shall be discussed in later parts of this paper. Cigarettes evolved from the pipe that our forebears used to stuff with tobacco leaves and then burn while being sucked from one end of the pipe. To make it more convenient to use and carry, the paper burn based version was created. The smoker creates an unhealthy vapor and tar by-product each time that he smokes a cigarette. The e cigarette on the other hand creates a harmless vapor that looks like a harmless mist when exhaled. This particular type of cigarette does not produce 2nd hand smoke problems or get its smell into clothing, hair, or upholstery (â€Å"Are e-Cigarettes Safer than Real Cigarettes?†). Having said that, those who have made the switch from regular cigarettes to e cigarettes claim the aforementioned reason as the main basis for their switch from the real thing to the electronic version. The e cigarette is actually allowed in non-smoking places and other places where cigarettes would normally be banned. Although Hon Lik, the Chinese pharmacist who invented the e cigarette in 2003 had high hopes for the health benefits of his product when it was first introduced, the reality of the situation is that the product was released with very little product study and scientific observation. Very little is currently known about the e cigarette in terms of effects on the human body and whether it mimics the after effects of long term cigarette smoking as well. Although there is existi ng information regarding the effects of tobacco and nicotine absorption and inhalation by people, there is very little to no information available pertaining to the effects of nicotine in liquid form. What would happen if the nicotine vial in the e cigarette were to come into direct contact with the skin? Are there any health hazards related to the prolong use of propylene glycol? These are some of the reasons that the American Food and Drug

Friday, August 23, 2019

Discuss a new technology or recent technological change Article

Discuss a new technology or recent technological change - Article Example According to a research, â€Å"7 out of 10 kids in households with tablets use them on a regular basis (Nielsen defines â€Å"kids† as those aged 12 or younger). This is a 9% increase from stats reported a year ago† (Wolford, 2012). Children’s use of tablets is growing particularly in the first world countries and this has many implications on their psychological, physical, and social development. My motivation to write this paper comes from the fact that I have a son that is only four and a half years old and has a tablet that he uses at least three hours a day. I think that is too much for a child only that old. I often think if I should take steps to limit my child’s interaction with the tablet, but I am equally worried about the fact that this might stop my child from learning its use and acquainting himself with the fundamentals of the technology that he would be frequently encountering in the future. I think the sooner he learns these things, the better it would be for him in the future throughout his education and career. I tend to make sure that my child goes out for playing for some time to nurture his body physically and facilitate its growth. I also make sure to spend some time with my child when I monitor his home work and narrate him stories so that his connection with his family or the normal development style traditionally experienced by the children is not lost. Today, entertainment is omnipresent but good entertainment is scanty. The solution to the problem is not to limit children’s access to tablets, but to provide them with such programs and games on them that are not only entertaining and engaging, but are also educational for them. In a way, a new educational system needs to be regulated in which education is conveyed to the children through the tablets not necessarily related to the curriculum they should study at a particular point in time since schools serve that

An analysis of Vitamins a short story by Raymond Carver Essay

An analysis of Vitamins a short story by Raymond Carver - Essay Example Patti attests to it herself on claiming that in early years of her youth, it is something she would not figure herself doing or one that occurs to be a last resort. While it generally sounds to be freaking a hell out of the female characters in Patti, Sheila, and Donna, the storyteller being the only guy among them exhibits the opposite or passive role in relation to the three. His function appears to serve a neutralizing effect in the middle where similarities reflect across the intertwined lives of the three women who have spanned control of themselves beyond his weak influence at providing comfort. As an irony in the theme, the vitamins sold by Patti, Sheila, Donna, and the hospital where he works are altogether symbolic of a prevention or cure to sickness however, as these characters remain attached to their conventional situation, the routine with vitamins and hospital augments the conflict and no resolution is found in the absence of external intervention or consideration of po ssible alternatives that would shift the level of personal undertaking for each. (2) Do the main characters' personalities, behavior and goals change during the story? If so, how? Significant change is not evident in the outlook and the way by which the narrator manages getting confronted by the challenges set by Patti. He briefly states in the beginning that Patti was first unemployed and by deciding to reverse this fate and give herself respect on working to sell vitamins makes positive hint or direction at progress from the initial condition as Patti even reaches the point of having people put under her supervision. This status, nevertheless, becomes unfulfilled since the state of economy and consumerism turns out not in favor of supplement acquisition, implying that in reality there exists a number of concerns far more worthy of savings and investment than vitamins are. In the manner R. Carver channels the thoughts and observations of the narrating main character, a reader can f eel a degree of needing to promote an element of transformation in his life as well as how this might impact that of Patti’s. As the story proceeds to gather the cast in a Christmas party to somewhat alleviate and enliven the dull, sickening mood with the bad economic trend of vitamin business, Sheila triggers rivalry with the male narrator yet escapes to make way for Donna in weaving new circumstances for Patti’s lover. A sense of seduction through Donna’s character takes the storyteller to an attempt at infidelity, leaving his fed-up partner to yield to a momentary space and grasp beyond the world with Patti in a newer dimension at Off-Broadway with Donna. Somehow, he develops another perspective in an appreciation of Khaki who seems to love his work as a bouncer, as opposed to Patti. Clearly, this event suggests that he is up for a change or for something to challenge his way out of the lifeless endeavor and depressed mode of living. At the instant Nelson com es over with Benny to lure Donna with money and gradually snatch here away from him, he allows a couple of moments to pass as if no real peril lurks. Here,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Industry analysis & competitor analysis Essay Example for Free

Industry analysis competitor analysis Essay At present, the U. S. market is dominated by several major companies marketing weight loss products, such as NutriSystem, Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. All of these companies sell pre-packaged diet food and offer additional services, such as weigh loss advice and counseling. NutriSystem specializes in comprehensive monthly food packages with a 28-day supply of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and desserts. Its primary markets are the United States and Canada. A peculiar feature of NutriSystem is that the company does not distribute its products to the retail network but relies on direct sales instead: it sells its products through the Internet, telephone, and QVC, a television shopping network (Yahoo! Finance 2010). Jenny Craig mainly operates in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Puerto Rico and offers a range of entrees and snacks together with support in counseling at Jenny Craig Centers, over the phone, and online (Jenny Craig 2010). In 2006, it was acquired by Nestle, the largest food and drink company in the world. It also sells most of its product through direct sales. Weight Watchers is a global company that markets a wide variety of foods and snacks as well as online tools for weight loss. Its best known innovation is the point system: every food is assigned value in points, based on its calories, fat and fiber, which helps people to keep track of how what they eat (Weight Watcher 2010). Weight Watchers sells its products though a variety of channels, including retail. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that the segment in which all of the aforementioned companies compete is food and beverage market, the second largest segment of the market for weigh loss products which is projected to overtake the devices, accessories and services segment, the largest at present, by 2014 (MarketsandMarkets 2009). Lifewave belongs to the devices, accessories and services segment; here its direct competitors are Dermathol, Hoodia, Bell Lifestyle Products, The Pink Patch and a number of smaller companies.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Scenario And Challenges Of Retail Banking In India Finance Essay

Scenario And Challenges Of Retail Banking In India Finance Essay ABSTRACT This paper discusses the overview of retail banking in India. It further explains the scope tremendous growth of this segment among the other segments of banking. The retail sector in India has huge potential is expected to grow at a rapid pace when overall banking sector is expected to grow at 30% this year. The current scenario, products services offered advantages; disadvantages, issues challenges are also a part of this paper. INTRODUCTION Today, the marketing mantra is to delight customers by offering them more than their expectations. This leads to more satisfied customers. The same is applied to the banking industry. Indian Economy is moving from manufacturing to service economy where Banking sector is undergoing a change. The demand for financial products is increasing customization of services is becoming a necessity. The retail banking is growing at a rapid pace. Once it was considered as forbidden by the leading foreign domestic banks. But today all the banks have recognized the importance of retail banking which became possible due to extensive competition, innovation advanced technology. With the expected growth of 30% for retail banking, the banks are focusing more more on it. They are moving up to the potential of this segmant of banking. In terms of revenue for both public private sector banks, Retail banking is a major contributor. PSBs are considered to be more risk averse. In comparison to the private banks, PSBs have higher exposure to the retail banking segment lesser exposure to treasury operations, in which foreign banks holds maximum revenue. In Public Sector Banks, SBI alone holds more than 1/4th of the revenue from retail banking operations. The PSBs have higher share in retail banking because of their rural reach in comparison to private or foreign banks. Out of the total branches of banks in rural India, PSBs have for 94.7% of them. As on 31st march, 2008 the revenue in different segments is shown for PSBs, Private Foreign Banks. PSBs Private Banks Foreign Banks The Indian players are confident towards the Indian Retail banking. The reason for it is that There has been a drastic change in the urban household income pattern which has directly impacted the consumption patterns hence the banking habits of Indians have tilted towards the Retail products services. The spending pattern in India is also increasing. The bullish pattern can be seen in the Retail business. The total outstanding Retail loans in India are below 5% of the Indian GDP whereas they are around 41 of the GDP in Taiwan. The figures are more surprising while comparing with the West. Compared to Western countries, India is lagging behind in the use of credit cards. In India the people have generally save a lot. On an average an Indian saves 35% of his income. Therefore, no. of banking services provided by banks is increasing day by day. Also the tax benefits are available on various loans. For ex- a borrower can avail tax benefits for the loan repayment the interest charged for the loan in case of housing loans. Retail banking is actually a mass market banking where individual customers use local branches of the large commercial banks. The focus is on creating products services that meet the needs of the target customers and in turn making profits as well. Since retail banking products are more on a mass production basis, therefore, all risks operations are to cater to a large number of customers are also based on them. This approach is quite different from wholesale banking or corporate banking where target is on large sized customer accounts rather than large numbers of customers as in the case of retail banking. For servicing your customer better it is very important to understand retail banking as it helps in structuring products and meeting specific requirements for each set of products. ATM introduced the concept of Anytime banking. Anywhere banking became possible with the development of satellites telecom networks across the world. Now it is the time for Anyhow banking the bank which will have all these 3 As will be the leading bank of the next century. RETAIL BANKING Retail banking is quite broad in nature. It refers to dealing with individual customers by commercial banks, both on liabilities assets sides of their balance sheet. Fixed savings /current accounts come on the liabilities side mortgages and loans come on the assets side. Various other services include credit cards or depository services. Retail banking retail lending are often confused with each other but retail lending is only a subset of the retail banking. Individual customers need requirement are accessed approached in an integrated manner in retail banking. Retail banking sector is consists of: BENEFITS OF RETAIL BANKING Retail Banking has become a better option for banks to increase their earnings as the lending to corporate is of high risk are generally slow moving. This sector consists of a large no. of customers of varied class. This type of banking provides customized wide range of products to individual small units. Also the risk is spread the recovery is very good. The products can be designed, deployed marketed according to the individual requirements. ANALYSIS OF RETAIL BANKING STRENGTH Diversified asset portfolio Retail banking consists of a wide range of financial product services. These include deposit product, home loan, loan against equity shares, mortgage loan, auto loan, car loan, payment of bills, credit card, debit card etc. Such a diversified asset portfolios provide banks with higher profit relatively lower NPA (non Performing Assets). Upcoming as a new growth driver Over past few years, fierce competition has lowered the spread profitability from a commercial loan. Also, with the deregulation and increase in consumer loan rate, the risk adjusted return in retail sector has exceeded beyond the return on commercial loan. CRM tools The customer Service Quality implementation through use of CRM tools will help banks in acceptance of their banking product and satisfaction of customer that will eventually yield profit for them. Innovative product development In financial services there is an unlimited scope for development innovation. Banks should approach the customers to find out their financial need problem and accordingly structure their strategies towards the development of the product services, marketing them finally selling them to satisfy its customer. Increase in income With the increase in per capita income growth in urbanization the life style of people has changed. The needs aspirations of people have increased. Therefore, the role of retail banking has become important. By providing various products services like personal loan, education loan, home loan etc to its customer, the retail banking helps in maintaining the changing life style of its customers through affordable credit. Economies of scale Through Retail Banking, Banks can get the benefits of information transaction. Banks have access to more information through extended services. They should systematically record this customer information as it can help them in efficient utilization of this information, which in turn can be used in finding out new segmento of market to sell their new services. WEAKNESS Reduces the profitability Retail banking requires high capital investment as a huge amount is spent on managing the wide range of product service which further requires large staff high quality technology. All this reduces the overall banks profitability. Avoids corporate sector Retail banking avoids corporate sector which forms the backbone of Indian economy. Banks should properly manage their corporate clients through lower arte credit, higher amount of loan etc. Corporate clients are easily manageable as they have well defined financial policy projects. Changes in technology If banks are not able to match with the latest technology it may affect their growth. Also the technology requires huge amount of capital investment if suppose, the technology fails then it will affect the banks reputation the bank may lose some of its customer. Marketing Retail banking requires strong internal as well as external marketing strategies to be adopted by bank. Under retail banking the management needs those employees who can introduce product properly to their customers. The employees must be aware of the products they are offering because if this is not the case then it can lead to the failure of even a very good product. Also bank should spend a lot on its marketing of product to general public. All this increases the expenses of banks in terms of time cost required to introduce the product. OPPORTUNITIES 1) Increase in per capita income: There has been increase in the per capita income over the past few years is expected to grow in the future also. Moreover, the younger population is more comfortable in taking personal debt than previous generations. Their purchasing power has also increased due to economic growth more jobs. Also GDP of India is rising at a very good rate. Currently it is around 9% is expected to rise in the near future. Innovation in products services This segment has more scope for innovation as banks tries to provide more more products services to their customers as desired by them. Banks can continuously modify its products services to match the market demand sustain in this competitive era. 3) Growing Economy Retail banking has enormous opportunities in a growing economy like India. A.T. Kearney, a global mgnt. consulting firm, identified India as the 2nd most attractive retail destination among the 30 emergent markets. THREATS Large payout of loans The increasing competition has made the banks to disburse large no. of customer loans, auto loans, home loans, loans on credit cards, educational loans etc. on easy terms without much inquiry. Due to this the no. of case of default in loan repayment has increased. This in turn has increased the banks bad debts nonperforming assets (NPA). This was one of the major reasons for recession which has affected the world. 2) Customer privacy issues One of the major problems from customers point of view is that the customer service representatives of the banks ring up their customers at any time at their places of work, informing them about new products services. This may cause inconvenience to busy customers. Banks are also responsible for not sharing the personal information of the customers with any outside agencies like market research groups other advertisers. 3) Information Technology With the growth of IT, a number of frauds have aroused are carried out with the help of technology. These frauds come under the domain of cyber crimes. The unscrupulous elements have always attacked banks. In many cases these elements have stolen credit card no., password other confidential information relating to customer. For ex- Satyam scam. These elements have also hacked banks website. BANKING PRODUCT The banking product areas which have high growth potential can be classified as follows: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ HOUSING LOANS Housing loan comprises of 48% of all retail loans. The customer attitudes toward holding debt translated this market into a market that expanded with a rate of 35% annually from 1999 to 2004. Also the lending rates are not very high and the growing household income enables the borrower to make the payment of interests principal amount. Banks generally have tie ups with various real estate companies. This is to reduce to efforts on the side of customer for taking loans. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ VEHICLE LOANS Housing loan comprises of 27.2% of all retail loans. Car sales volume in 2004 increased to more than a million vehicles and annual growth in sales reached 954,354 in 2007. The sales of bikes have also increases. Banks provide various lucrative plans to finance your car or a bike. They often come up with various schemes which increases the sales of the vehicles help people fulfill their aspirations. India has become the 3rd largest market for cars MUVs. The growth drivers of this segment are easy finance, low interest rates, opening up of 2nd hand car finance up gradation of rider to four wheelers from two wheeler. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ SME BANKING Initially public sector banks in India focused only on big industries instead of small businesses. But today SME market in India has expanded beyond 4 million businesses. These businesses are growing, importing exporting and demanding more more complicated banking products and services. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ PERSONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES Banks provided this service to boost the financial status of individuals. The banks that can establish the right combination of account mgnt distribution infrastructure can avail the benefits from growing market for wealth management. The services can be saving income in bank accounts or investing in insurance ISSUES TO THE RETAIL-BANKING SECTOR The key policy issues in retail banking sector are: financial enclosure, accessibility to finance, protection of consumer his privacy, financial capability, responsible lending, regulation prevention of financial crime. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF RETAIL BANKING ADVANTAGES The advantages from the resource asset point of view are as follows: Resource Side Apart from current savings accounts, the deposits in retail banking are comparatively stable. These constitute core deposits. Helps in increasing the subsidiary business of the banks. They are interest insensitive in case of current savings accounts. The funds in this sector are the low cost funds. Helps in building a strong customer base. ASSETS SIDE For funds deployment, Retail banking is a good opportunity. When there is a high demand for banking products services, Retail banking need not require high marketing efforts. Consumer loans involve less amount of risk have perception of less NPA. Through investments in productivity activities, it helps in economic revitalization of the nation. Through affordable credit, this segment of banking improves lifestyle of the people fulfils the aspirations of the people. Diversified portfolio due to huge customer base reduces risk for a bank. DISADVANTAGES Huge capital investment is required in designing new financial products. It requires a lot of time cost for the bank. Today net banking is preferable over branch banking by customers. It is not possible for banks to retain their customers if their technology is not up to the mark. The customers wishing to use net banking will switch over to the services of some other bank. Various other financial products like mutual funds etc. attract customers towards themselves. Banks are not able to exploit the technology to an appropriate level Banks is spending heavily on human resource department for monitoring following up of large no. of loan accounts. In the absence of proper follow-up, long term loans like housing loan which involves long repayment term can become NPAs. As compared to wholesale banking, the amount borrowed in retail banking by a single customer is very low. Therefore, the bank is not able to make huge profits from a single customer. STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS IN RETAIL BANKING Banks should adopt the following strategies to achieve success in the retail banking sector. Adoption of advanced latest technology Availability of skilled man power in all branches offices Extensive market research should be carried out in order to formulate innovative competitive products services Managing relationship with customers by having an approach of customer relationship management. There should be balanced and sustained growth in deposits advances More more delivery channels should be explored Service quality should be improved with human touch giving the customers personal experience Proper strategic cost management should be adopted Constant focus should be there on Universal banking and financial supermarkets Cross Selling of Products Public Sector Banks have a wide network of branches. This provides them with added advantage over other banks. Through these branches banks have an opportunity as they can sell third-party products. Tie Up arrangements Public, private foreign banks should tie up enter into strategic alliance with other banks to extend their reach by having presence in various other regions. This will help them by enabling them to make benefits by reaching customers across the country. Business Process Outsourcing Outsourcing of various processes will save time cost. Eventually this will help the banks in concentrating on their core business area, that is, their core competency. For ex- Managing ATMs should be outsourced, which will save banks from dealing with something which is not their core competency. CHALLENGES TO RETAIL BANKING IN INDIA The key challenges before the bank is to strike a balance between credit growth quality of asset simultaneously and sustaining the profitability in the increasing interest rate scenario. With the advancement in technology, there has been increase in the responsibilities challenges for an IT department in managing, maintaining optimizing the performance of retail banking networks. According to credit rating agency CARE, in 2010-11, the non performing assets (NPAs) in the industry are expected to rise to 3.5 % of the total assets as compared to previous fiscal years 2.8 %. Therefore, measures should be adopted to reduce NPA. As per the RBIs instructions, banks are required to provide for 70% of the total bad loans on their books from Sep 2010. The new Base rate is yet to be implemented which will ensure transparency in the lending but will reduce banks profits as they will then be able to lend at or above base rate not below it. This may affect banks as they may lose their some customers to whom the loan were given at below PLR. RBI has also asked banks to provide interest on savings accounts on daily basis. This will put pressure on margins of banks. RBI is adopting various measures to reduce liquidity. They have increased CRR also increased Repo reverse repo rate. All this will impact the lending rate of banks as the interest rate will rise to reduce liquidity in market. But this will be a threat to banking sector. At this time when interest rates are higher interest rate volatility exists, the Current Account Saving Account (CASA) deposits help banks maintaining their margins. These accounts helps in maintaining the spread between the cost of funds interest earned in a period of high interest rates. In recent past, the outsourcing of various activities such as software hardware maintenance, entire ATM operation (including cash, refilling) etc. has become very important. The banks should have innovative strategic management approach to meet its customers needs requirements in terms of products or services. It is generally said that, it takes months to find a good customer but only seconds to lose him. Therefore, banks should have the strategy of Knowing Your Customer (KYC). To retain the ongoing trust of the public reputation, banks are supposed to meet their commitments take utmost care while serving their customers. In order to increase the market share profitability in the retail banking corporate banking, the customer loyalty is very important. As per the government order, banks have to align their accounting practices in line with the IFRS (International Financial Reporting System) within 2 more years. Limited no. of branches ATMs in rural areas. Less education or training is given to the people in rural areas who are illiterate dont know how to do avail the basic benefits from banking, forget about operating ATMs. If all these challenges are faced by the banks with utmost care and deliberation, the retail banking is expected to play a very crucial role in coming years. CONCLUSION Since the reforms in financial sector in India, Retail banking is facing a lot of competition. Today banks are on their toes for sustaining in existing business capturing new business. Banks are competing for increasing their retail business. Constant innovation should be there in retail banking in areas product development differentiation, marketing, micro-planning, prudent pricing, technological up gradation, customization, home / electronic / mobile banking, asset liability management effective risk management and t techniques. But in the Indian banks, there is very less little or no interest in innovative products. Innovation should not only in terms of technology or through internet or computers but it should be such that it benefits even the rural areas. You cant just really on technology become a tech savvy in a country where Internet penetration is only 1.65%. While retail banking offers exceptional growth opportunities, the challenges are equally discouraging. Therefore, banks should face the challenges optimistically make use of opportunities to make profit. The success in retail banking business depends on the kind of technology used the effectiveness of operations. This provides the banks an edge over their competitors. Furthermore, customer interest should be most important for becoming a responsible bank. The focus of this sector should not only remain to just increasing the per capita indebtedness but it should be in terms of creation of wealth at macro economical level. RECCOMENDATIONS The retail banking sector in India should adopt knowledge banking approach which is one of the differentiating strategies of Yes Bank who is among the top 10 innovative banks of the world. The focus should be there on sun rising sectors of economy like IT, Engineering, infrastructure logistics, food agriculture etc. These are sectors of economy have growth prospects. Banks should extend their operations to rural semi urban areas should have a responsible banking approach. This can be done by educating training people to avail the benefits of banking services which will not only help the banks in increasing their reputation but will also help them in long term perspective to increase the profits by tapping the untapped areas.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Foster Parents And Solution Focused Brief Therapy Social Work Essay

Foster Parents And Solution Focused Brief Therapy Social Work Essay Abstract Approximately sixty percent of children living in therapeutic foster care, enter the system with a diagnosis of moderate to severe mental health issues. These children, placed in therapeutic foster homes, can present disruptive behaviors. Maladaptive coping skills on the part of the child or stress inducing behaviors on the part of the caregiver can cause a crises leading to potential removal from the home. Solution focused brief therapy, could increase the quality of the relationship between foster parent and child. Foster children and parents can have a disparity between the perception of a situation and improper communication of opposing views may lead to crisis. Using tools and tenants of solution focused brief therapy could decrease placement disruptions. The purpose of this article is to identify common issues and challenges facing foster parents and children, and examples of interventions using solution based therapy. The strength-based interventions, coupled with the current evidenced-based training, will decrease placement disruptions, and increase the potential of successful transitions from foster care. The article will discuss current evidenced-based interventions, and solution focused therapy as an additional therapeutic approach. In this article, common issues and challenges facing foster parents and children are discussed; and strengths and limitations of implementing solution focused therapy techniques are explored. Keywords: Therapeutic Foster Care, Foster Parents, Foster Children, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Training Foster Parents and Solution Focused Brief Therapy: An estimated 541,000 children in America live in the foster care system today (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). Residential treatment facilities, psychiatric group homes, and foster/ kinship care comprise most of these out of home placements. Therapeutic Foster Care, (TFC) is an additional type of out of home placement and is a specialized service designed to serve children with special needs (Berika, 1999). These special needs range from emotional, cognitive, and physical/medical and can serve as a step down between a residential treatment center and foster care (Strijker, Oijen, Dickscheit, 2010). Each specific type of out of home placement offers differences in the goals and functions of foster care and therapeutic foster care are numerous. Maltreated children are placed in foster care primarily to receive protection, and stability. If the child exhibits the need for mental health or substance abuse therapy, the service is provided outside of the home (Farmer, Mustillo, Burns, Holden, 2008). Transitioning statement from fc 2 tfc (on the other hand ) Therapeutic foster care combines the structure of a residential treatment facility with the care and protection of the home environment. Fifty nine percent of children entering therapeutic foster care address serious levels of emotional behavioral issues; and need rehabilitation (Hochstadt, Jaudes, Zimo, Schacter, 1987). Therapeutic interventions take place within the home, with the goal of integrating newly acquired interpersonal skills into the home environment, which are necessary for future family reunification. Multiple reasons exist facilitating the need to place a child outside of the home for treatment. High-risk family factors include poverty, divorce within the immediate family, (Williams at all, 1990), biological parental mental illness, witnessing domestic violence, and prior incarcerations within the immediate family (Johnson, 1989). The inability or unwillingness of the primary caregiver to care for the child is additional reasons for biological parental rights termination (Pecora, White, Jackson, Wiggins, 2009). Alternatively, the child may have been removed from the home due to neglect or poor parenting. Substance abuse by the biological parents, or even the young person themselves, are additional factors in the decision to remove the child from the biological home. Thus, due to numerous reasons, the youth may have difficulty acclimating to new living situations. Children placed in therapeutic foster care tend to exhibit poor coping skills, low frustration tolerance, and externalizing disorders such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Fiegelman Harrington, 1993). The behaviors that accompany such externalizing disorders may cause foster parents to experience empathy fatigue (Lipscome, Moyers, Farmer, 2004). Empathy fatigue is a leading cause for which a foster parent decides to surrender the foster child (Parker, 2009). This is known as a placement disruption or the childs unscheduled removal from the foster home permanently. Numerous publications report findings, that placement disruption has a detrimental effect on foster children. The American Academy of Pediatrics reported placement disruption, Hinders the development and healing process of children (American Academy of pediatrics 2000). Placement disruption jeopardizes the opportunity for children to develop trusting and secure relationships with adults (Robertson, 1989). The act of separating a child from biological families induces feelings of rejection, guilt, abandonment, and shame, (Garland et al., 2000, Simm at el 2000) regardless of the reason. Multiple placements before the age of 14 are associated with higher rates of delinquency in youths. Recent studies show a relationship between foster child placement disruption and the increase of foster care alumni homelessness, incarceration, and victimization. (Courtney, Dworsky, Lee, Raap, 2009). According to the Midwest Evaluation of Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth, Far too many foster youth are not acquiring the life skills or developing the interpersonal connections they need if they are to become productive young adults (Midwest Evaluation of Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth, 2010). Foster parents are to provide a safe and nurturing home, which will instill interpersonal communication and effective life skills to youth. The establishment of the connection between the foster parent and the foster child needs is critical due to beliefs that foster parents would benefit from the use of solution focused based therapeutic techniques with the foster child as these techniques provide____________________________________. Multiple training programs have attempted to incorporate these skills within the juveniles daily routine (Price, Chamberlain, Landsverk, Reid, Leve, Laurent, 2008). LIST PREVIOUS MODLES Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care is a strengths-based intervention promoting child and adolescent resiliency in youth exposed to early adversity. Application of MTFC within a treatment foster care home employs a point and level privilege system. Multiple studies show the effectiveness of using a reward level program (Fisher Chamberlain Leve 2009). A second intervention model, which is a modified version of the multidimensional treatment foster care intervention designed for younger children is called keeping foster parents trained and supported (Price, Chamberlain, Landsverk Reid, 2009). Other models of worth mentioning. When a child faces the instability of placement disruption, they do not have a consistent environment where they feel safe to mature; instead, they must re-adapt the new living situation. We suggest following the tenants and techniques of solution focused brief therapy in addition to the aforementioned foster parent training will increase placement stability. Training the foster parents in solution focused therapy techniques we believe they will assist the youth in becoming solution oriented. This new set of skills taught to the child, by the foster parent has the potential to increase the foster childs quality of life by decreasing placement disruptions. Solution focused therapy lends itself well as an additional element training of foster parents. Through a question and answer conversation, it enables the foster parent to see the perspective of a given situation through the eyes of the child. Solution focused brief therapy is strengths-based and future oriented, while still validating the persons experience (Littrell, 2006). Major tenants of this theory are (a.) change is constant (b.) there is always an exception to the problem (c.) there are many ways of looking at a situation, all equally important (Bannink, 2006/2010). It brings small successes to the child or foster parents awareness, and assists them in becoming solution oriented. This article will discuss several solutions focused based therapy techniques with examples of their application. Scaling questions, including what identifies and increase or decrease of one point and the application will be discussed. Coping questions, which illuminates the caregivers and foster childs strengths, will be investigated. The use of language tool statements, such as You must have had a reason to, will be explored. The identification of the childs resources both internal and external will also be examined with examples illustrating the application. The implementation of solution-focused therapy to increase foster care placement stability has been used in residential therapeutic treatment facilities. In a recent study it was found during the first year of treatment, the youth were counseled using the techniques of Cognitive behavioral therapy. In the second year they were counseled using solution focused brief therapy. It was discovered, the number of disruptions from these youth decreased from mean equaling 6.29 (standard deviation equaling 3.6) to mean equals 1.45 (standard deviation .68), P In this article, we will discuss various emotional health rehabilitation needs of foster children referred to therapeutic foster care. A concise exploration of current evidence-based therapeutic foster parent training models highlighting their strengths and weaknesses will take place. The core tenants of solution focused brief therapy will be explored with the intent purpose of identifying specific interventions for use with this population. Furthermore, examples of the preferred intervention techniques of solution focused brief therapy will be provided. Finally, the strengths and limitations of using solution focused brief therapy with this population will be discussed with suggestions for further research. I. Socioeconomic ramifications of child maltreatment. Neglecting the therapeutic foster care populations has a debilitating effect on the economy. Homelessness (check tense and safe assign) In studies focused on homelessness in adulthood, placement in foster care in childhood or adolescence frequently emerges as a risk factor. {{57 Fowler,P.J. 2009;}} For example a study conducted by the Casey Institute showed within a two year period shows homelessness for foster alumni exceeded 12.%, which is the rate for a single episode of homelessness amid US adults. One fifth of the adolescents taking part in the study experienced chronic homelessness. {{86 Anonymous ;}} Homelessness in adolescence and young adulthood has been shown to be associated with elevated risks of a number of negative outcomes. {{57 Fowler,P.J. 2009;}} These services need to begin earlier, to be extended to all eligible children in foster care, and to remain available until former foster care youth have attained stability as young adults (Kushel et al., 2007; Pecora et al., 2006). Research findings indicate that services need to begin early when a family first arrives at a shelter or the child first enters foster care, particularly since early intervention for young children can reduce the magnitude of trauma and subsequent problems later in life {{80 Dozier M Higley E Albus, K Nutter A. (2002);}} Housing instability was related to emotional and behavioral problems, physical and sexual victimization, criminal conviction, and high school dropout. From this information Fowler concluded adolescents transitioning from foster care are at considerably higher risk of homelessness {{57 Fowler,P.J. 2009;}} A.1 Maltreatment leading to out of home placement Sixty four percent of cases involved in the child welfare system are due to parental neglect. Failure to attend to the childs physical, emotional, or educational needs may cause severe, long term psychological challenges. Domestic violence in the childs presence; familial substance use that interferes with parenting abilities, Physical abuse (16%), sexual abuse (9%), and psychological maltreatment (7%) are other reasons children are reported to child welfare.({{72 Leve, L.D. 2009;}} b. Needs of Those in Therapeutic Foster Care Characteristics of Those in Foster Care Social and Academic Health Children involved in the foster care system are at a higher risk of low academic performance and school failure. Children facing challenges, usually present with psychosocial problems at a substantially increased rate than the general population. These range from impulse control, to Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, to conduct disorders which maturate during young adult hood and beyond. Children who fail to develop successful peer relations during school entry are at increased risk for conduct problems, peer rejection, and academic failure throughout childhood and adolescence {{91 Anonymous 2001;24 Egelund, Tine 2009;}} emotional and behavioral problems, exposure to physical and sexual abuse, adolescent pregnancy, incarceration and high school dropout. {{57 Fowler,P.J. 2009;}} A preponderance of children in the welfare system have been identified as experiencing cognitive delays as evidenced by the Denver Developmental Screening Test II {{91 Anonymous 2001;}}. This is the most widely used psychometric test utilized for this young population. Early behavior problems among children placed in foster care have predicted delinquency, substance use, and sexual behavior 6 years later {{62 Linares,L.O. 2006}} Medical and Physical health The gravity and extent of the health care problems facing abused and neglected children are truly alarming.   Specified underlying neurobiological systems are influenced by types of adversity witnessed by children in the system increase risk for negative outcomes. These include common childhood diagnosis are at uncommon levels such as ADHD, disruptive behavior, anxiety, and affective disorders.{{72 Leve,L.D. 2009}} Studies observed increased shifts in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal HPA Axis, a hormone affected by cortisol imbalances. This hormone controls reactions to stress and has been discovered among children experiencing stress in foster care. Increased atypical diurnal cortisol levels{{74 Pears, K.C. 2008;}} are known to be higher especially among young female children who have experienced biological caregiver neglect {{70 Fisher,P.A. 2007;}}. Similar to the HPA axis studies, problems with executive functioning are more common in foster children than in the general population {{74 Pears, K.C. 2008;}}. However therapeutic interventions designed for foster children may positively affect the HPA axis activity as it has been noted decreasing stress decreases the levels of cortisol{{70 Fisher,P.A. 2007;}}. (More research needs done) Fisher Suggests interventions which decrease stress levels of younger juveniles in out of home placements may produce increased outcomes on the social cognitive level and increase the functioning of an neurobiological systems. {{95 Fisher,P.A. 2008;}}{{72 Leve,L.D. 2009}} d. REHABILITATION NEEDS OF CHILDREN IN FOSTER CARE: EVIDENCE-BASED INTERVENTIONS Evidence-based interventions were formed and assessed to supervise the psychological and physical welfare of children in foster care. Stress inducing behavior on the part of the parent can cause disruptive behavior in the foster child which leads to early termination from the home. Maladaptive coping skills of the child that havent been rectified affect the childs relationship with their caregiver and over time start to give negative connotations to authority figures. Implementing the interventions has shown a decrease in the need for extraneous mental and physical health care by increasing the probability of attaining placement stability. Interventions must target young people while they are still in foster care, before the age of 17 years, to ensure connection to services such as tuition assistance, employment training, and health insurance. {{57 Fowler,P.J. 2009;}} Models MTFC The MTFC model acknowledges and identifies the affect of emotional hardships on the physical and psychological missing word of the foster care population. It originated in 1983 in response to an Oregon State request for proposals from the juvenile justice system to develop community-based alternatives to incarceration for adolescent placements in residential/group care. (Leve,2009) This model gives an evidence based solution to strengthen the self-esteem of the foster children and teach them resiliency to improve behavioral problems. Additionally, consistent with research on resiliency, the model now incorporates key positive individual and interpersonal relationships, adaptive neurobiological functioning, and adaptive social behavior. (Leve, 2009) How it works The MTFC intervention teaches caregivers how to give positive mentoring, improve parental skills and the importance of consistency through training, supervision and the endorsement of a skills coach. MTFC was selected by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Elliott, 1998) as 1 of 10 evidence-based National Blueprints Programs; was selected as 1 of 9 National Exemplary Safe, Disciplined, and Drug-Free Schools model programs; was highlighted in 2 U.S. Surgeon General reports (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2000a, 2000b) (Leve,2009) These reports recorded government savings, showed improvement of behavior in child, and helped stress level of caregiver. State Public Policy group reported a $32,915 cost savings in 2006 to taxpayers for each (Leve,2009) In order for the intervention to be effective, the foster child needs positive reinforcement, individual and family therapy, along with social skills and academic mentoring. The team The skills coach is conditioned to focus on beneficial skills and actions rather than past behaviors or problematic situations. The foster parents and program supervisor work together to carefully monitor youth adjustment in the classroom. (Leve,2009) Classroom observations and evaluations allow the caregiver to evaluate behavioral changes without excessive amounts of external influences in a neutral setting. These caregivers are taught to use the same incentives or point systems employed in the foster home to provide positive feedback and brief, non-emotional consequences for problem behavior. (Leve,2009)The consistency from one environment to another eases the transition process for the foster child. Positive outcomes, including the likelihood of achieving permanency ( this effect is particularly marked for children who have had multiple prior foster placement failures), childrens attachment to caregivers, foster-parent stress levels, older childrens delinquency and antisocial beha vior, participation in school and subsequent time incarcerated. (Fisher P.A. 2009)

Monday, August 19, 2019

Waste Land Essay: All is Not Well :: T.S. Eliot Waste Land Essays

All is Not Well in The Waste Land Eliot's "The Waste Land" doesn't make sense. No matter how many symbols and allusions are explained by critics or Eliot himself, no matter how many fertility gods and Eastern philosophies are dragged into it, the poem does not make sense. But then, it doesn't need to in order to be good or to have a purpose. All it needs is to have meaning, and something need not make sense to mean something. The meaning "The Waste Land" holds for me is of something wrong - something so twisted and "rotten," as to be intrinsically wrong. For me, this wrongness winds itself in and out of the passages and images of the poem and doesn't seem to have any hope of being righted until the end - in the last few lines. In every time, in every place in "The Waste Land," something is wrong. The world of the poem is one where April, the season when growing things return after winter, is "the cruellest month, breeding/Lilacs out of the dead land," the "son of man" knows only "a heap of broken images," and there is "fear in a handful of dust." Each symbol and each allusion contains a grotesque element - one that was already there or one incorporated by Eliot. Lines 72-73 are such a nice, normal way to speak about a garden ("'Has it begun to sprout? Will it bloom this year?/'Or has the sudden frost disturbed its bed?'"), except that the thing which has been planted is a corpse, and it's in danger of being dug up by a Dog. T'ie different ways of looking at life are all tainted. Someone says, "'I shall rush out as I am, and walk the street/'With my hair down, so. What shall we do tomorrow?/'What shall we ever do'?'" The talkative woman gossips of the problems in another woman's marriage and of her abortion, ending with the last words of Ophelia, spoken in her madness. Tiresias, the blind prophet, foretells the scene of a woman who endures the caresses of her lover, and, glad when they are over and he is gone, forgets about the incident entirely. She merely "puts a record on the gramophone." The descriptions are often shocking and ugly, especially in the midst of a beautiful scene.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Theme of Responsibility in An Inspector Calls Essay -- An Inspecto

The Theme of Responsibility in An Inspector Calls John Boyton Priestly (1894-1984) wrote ‘An inspector calls' in 1945 and it was first performed in 1946. The play was set in 1912. Priestly wrote this play to send out a message of responsibility to the people. Priestly believed that even in 1945 they were still the same as they were in 1912, which is why Priestly choose to set the play in 1912, along with various other reasons, such as he wanted the audience to have the benefit of dramatic irony. During the Second World War, the people had united to fight one common enemy. This unity was that he wanted us to understand and believe in. He wanted to give everyone a choice. Should we go back to the way it was before the First World War, when everything was based on class, where an individual had to look solely after themselves, and no one else, or should we move forward, walk into the society where everyone looks for one another, where we all are equal and we work together? He wanted people to choose. He demonstrates the difference with the older generation representing the society where you care for yourself, and some of the younger generation that represents a new society where you care for one another. Priestly used dramatic irony to discredit Mr. Birling’s pronouncements in the opening scene. When Mr. Birling, head of the family and a respectable business man, talks of things that the audience knows is wrong, such as his opinion of the ‘unsinkable’ titanic, we begin to doubt Mr. Birling’s opinions, because we already know that the Titanic does in fact sink. At the time of which the play was set in, there were bitter divisions between the rich and the poor, industrial towns such as ‘Brumley’ were ... ... was to change, he knew the adults were stuck in their own reality and will never change so he puts his hope into the children. However, Priestly also knew that some of the children like the adults will not agree with his ideals, which is where Gerald comes in. Gerald is just like Mr. Birling as he does not think that he has done anything wrong. For these reason I dislike him. J. B. Priestly’s message (told via the inspector) tells us that we should have collective responsibility, and share our duties equally between us all. Do we really want to live in a world where those of higher class choose our fate, or do we want to choose our own fate? His message is still relevant today, as I think we still live in a society such as the one Priestly desires, we still need to learn his message, as we need to remember our responsibility for others and ourselves.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Palanca Awards Essay

The Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature (Palanca Awards) was established in 1950. The heirs of Don Carlos Palanca, Sr. found it most fitting to commemorate his memory through an endeavor that would promote education and culture in the country. The Palanca Awards aims to help develop Philippine Literature by: 1. Providing incentives for writers to craft their most outstanding literary works. 2. Being a treasury of the Philippine’s literary gems from our gifted writers and to assist in its eventual dissemination to our people, particularly the students. 62 years ago, the Palanca Awards called on Filipino fictionists to weave their best short story in either English or Filipino. Today, the Awards continues to challenge writers to pour out their creativity in various literary genres. Instituted in 1995, the Palanca Hall of Fame award is presented to a Palanca awardee who has achieved the distinction of winning five first prizes in the regular categories. TheKabataan Award of Distinction gives recognition to a Palanca awardee who wins four first prizes in this division. The Palanca Awards continues to pursue avenues that help share these literary gems with the rest of the countrymen, to whom Filipino literature ultimately belongs. These winning works are continuously made accessible to students, and all researchers and lovers of literature through the Carlos Palanca Foundation (CPF) library. Adding dimension to the Palanca Awards mission of encouraging excellence in literary writing, CPF is supporting a scholarship program for creative writing. The Foundation also seeks to foster the unbounded imagination and creative spirit of the Filipino through creative writing workshops and readings of award-winning works. Born from a simple dream made 62 years ago to help develop Philippine literature, the foundation holds steadfast to its mission of providing nourishment for the national spirit. †¢Is not a secret that many Filipinos are unfamiliar with Philippine literature especially those written long before the Spanish arrived in our country. This is due to the fact that the stories of ancient time were not written, but rather passed on from generation to generation through word of mouth. Only in 1521 did the Filipinos become to be acquainted with literature due to the influence of the Spaniards on us. But the literature that the Filipinos became acquainted with are not Filipino made, rather, they were works of Spanish authors. †¢The rise of nationalistic pride in the 1960s and 1970s also helped bring about this change of attitude among a new breed of Filipinos concerned about the â€Å"Filipino identity. † †¢ The 1960’s were, summarily, a period when writers seriously grappled with problems of art. The early 1970’s saw a proliferation of politically motivated or committed writing and protest literature. Short-story writers became more conscious of the political milieu and of social issues in the wake of the increased activism all over the world and right in their country, especially during the troubled days of a dictatorial government. Some of the more recent fiction writers include Paulino Lim, Alfred Yuson, Jose Dalisay, Mario Eric Gamalinda, and Cristina P. Hidalgo. Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature, the country’s most prestigious and longest-running literary contest. The Palanca Awards or Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature are literary awards of the Philippines. The Manila Standard called it the â€Å"Pulitzer Prize† of the Philippines. [1] It is one of the Philippines’ most long-running award giving bodies. [2] History[edit] The Palanca Awards was established in 1950 to inspire Filipino writers to improve their literary works. [3] In the 1960s the Palanca Awards Committee started to fund the publication of Palanca plays and production fund were committed on 1975. [4] In 2009, it added a category for Poetry for children in both Filipino and English. [2] Winning is tough, and for many writers, it goes beyond the cash prize. Winning means a validation of their work, and for some, it means a step toward joining the ranks of the country’s literati. It was to honor the legacy of Don Carlos Palanca, Sr. that the Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature was established in 1950 and the first award was given in 1951. Through this annual literary contest, the family and heirs of Carlos Palanca sought to keep his name alive, along with his legacy of discipline and perseverance, and to enrich the nation’s cultural heritage.

Effect of Globalization in the Management of Apple Inc Essay

Efficient planning is critical for any organization; leadership ought to establish an imaginative path for any organization. The management is tasked with ensuring that the plans are feasible at any given moment. In an environment that is closed, apart from the establishment of vision, this may be a relatively simple process since the variables that affect implementation are predictable and mostly fall into categories that are easy to identify (Tiffany, John, & Tommy, 2011). This process is complicated by globalization. Apple, Inc. is faced with this challenge when planning to meet the needs of its diverse customer base and environments. Apple, Inc. has to grapple with the challenge of organizing personnel from different regions who have different cultural backgrounds. In managing the personnel, the company has to attain a balance between the many competing and diverse factors (Ercan, 2012). For instance, there have been complaints about imbalance of salaries for personnel from different regions. In the management leadership role, motivating the personnel call for good leadership skills. The management of Apple, Inc. has had to adjust policies and actions in consideration of factors like physical ability, gender, and ethnicity. Globalization has brought about a workforce that adds the factors of culture and language to the dilemma (Ercan, 2012). Coming up with policies which consider all these factors necessitate a high level of sensitivity. Controlling of the competing factors in different regions has become a major concern for Apple, Inc. The company is finding it a challenge to control the different aspects of production to meet the clients’ needs in terms of producing high quality products (Tiffany, John, & Tommy, 2011). Control of the company’s resources to ensure sustained growth in different regions the company operates in is also a major concern.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Restoring Balance Lab

Leo Tran IB Chemistry SL II R5 Ms. Crane January 4, 2012 Restoring Balance LAB Pre-Lab Questions 1. The solubility of iodine increases because the position of equilibrium has shifted towards the triiodide side of the reaction. Addition of the reactants causes an increase in the product which is directly related to the solubility of iodine in water in this case. 2. Ammonium chloride will be more soluble in hot water as in an endothermic reaction, increasing the temperature (which is the same as adding heat – one of the reactants) will cause the position of equilibrium to shift towards the products to compensate for the change.More products are a result of increased solubility of Ammonium Chloride with water when temperature is increased. Post Lab Questions 1. CoCl42- ions are present in this solution as they are blue colored and the color of the Cobalt Chloride solution was blue when we recorded the color and appearance of the solution. 2. Co(H2O)62+ ion was favored by the addi tion of water as it is pink colored and when we added water to the cobalt chloride solution, it became pink. This was because the amount of Co(H2O)62+ ions went up(more pink) to compensate or even out the change.Adding more products resulted in the position of the equilibrium to shift towards the reactant side making it favor the Co(H2O)62+ ions. 3. (a) CoCl42- ion is favored by the addition of hydrochloric acid and calcium chloride. (b) Cl- ion (c) When the stress (Chlorine from hydrochloric acid and calcium chloride) is added on the reactant side (more reactants), the pink color reduces and blue color increases. In other words, CoCl42- is favored to compensate for the change or minimize the stress. 4. A. Adding a species which appears on the right side of an equation will shift the equilibrium to the left side of the equation.B. Adding a species which appears on the left side of an equation will shift the equilibrium to the right side of the equation. 5. Since acetone attracts wat er molecules (decrease water molecules from the reaction) the reaction tries to create more water. Making more of the product, it naturally makes more of all the products which creates CoCl42- ions (blue in color), resulting in a blue color of the system of chemicals. 6. (a) Ag+ + Cl- –> AgCl (b) The concentration of Cl- ions decreased as chlorine ions from the reactant side reacted with silver

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Major Functions Of The Skin Health And Social Care Essay

The tegument is the largest organ of the organic structure. Measuring between 1.5 and 2.0 square meters in an grownup, it forms an extended contact country with the environment. This contact presents a assortment of of import challenges, which the tegument must run into in order to protect the organic structure. It besides provides of import chances, which the tegument uses to keep homeostasis.See the challenges and chances posed by contact with the environment and associate them to the major maps of the tegument.The integumental system, dwelling of tegument, hair and nails, act as a barrier to protect the organic structure from the environment. Some challenges and chances posed to the tegument by the environments are ; exposure to sunlight/UV Rays, bacterium, mechanical harm, chemical harm and thermic harm. The integumental system acts as a barrier in three ways: a chemical barrier, a physical barrier and a biological barrier. The integumental system works with the immune system to make a biological barrier. Specialized cells in the tegument discovery and destroy foreign bacteriums. A physical barrier consists of difficult, keratinized cells in the nails, tegument and hair. These cells particularly in tegument and nails help protect the internal variety meats and blood system from external environmental factors. Hair helps to minimalise insects from creeping on the tegument, protect the scalp from physical injury and regulate heat. A chemical barrier is besides due to clamber. The tegument has perspiration secretory organs which secrete substances onto the tegument that stop the reproduction of bacteriums. The tegument besides produces melanin which acts to protect ultraviolet beams from the Sun nevertheless despite melanin ‘s protective factors excessive Sun exposure will finally damage the tegument.2Explain how the constructions of the skin contribute to its maps.35 % 437.5Answer The tegument is the largest organ in the integumental system and has 2 major constituents: the cutaneal membrane or tegument and the accessary constructions. The cutaneal membrane has 2 constituents: the cuticle and the corium. The cuticle is the outer bed of the tegument and the corium is a bed of tegument between the cuticle and hypodermic tissues. The accessary constructions consists of hair, nails and multicellular duct gland secretory organs. The cuticle consists of 5 beds ; the stratum basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum and horny layer. The Stratum basale is the outer bed of tegument, the stratum spinosum is a bed of the cuticle found between the stratum granulosum and stratum basale. [ 1 ] This bed helps to forestall desiccation, the stratum granulosum is the bed between the stratum lucidum and stratum spinosum, the stratum lucidum is a thin, clear bed of dead tegument cells. It is found merely in countries of midst tegument, most perceptibly on the thenar of the custodies and the colloidal suspensions of the pess and eventually the stratum horny layer is the outermost bed and is filled with ceratin, which is made up of dead cells. The corium is responsible for the strength of tegument. Its chief maps are to modulate temperature and to provide the cuticle with nutrient-saturated blood. Much of the organic structure ‘s H2O supply is stored within the corium. The corium contains most of the tegument ‘s specialised cells and constructions, including: Blood vass, lymph vass, hair follicles, perspiration secretory organs, greasy, or oil, secretory organs, nervus terminations, collagen and elastin. The corium bed is made up of two sublayers, the papillose bed, which contains a thin agreement of collagen fibres. The papillose bed supplies foods to choose beds of the cuticle and regulates temperature. The 2nd is the reticular bed which is thicker and made of thick collagen fibres that are arranged in analogue to the surface of the tegument. The reticulate bed strengthens the tegument, supplying construction and snap. A bed of tissue that lies instantly below the corium is the hypodermis or hypodermic tissue. The hypodermis consists chiefly of loose connective tissue and lobules of fat and Acts of the Apostless as an energy modesty. It contains larger blood vass and nervousnesss than those found in the corium. The hypodermis contains: elastic fibres, hempen sets, fat, blood vass, lymphatic vass, hair follicle roots, nervousnesss and musculus. The tegument includes the undermentioned maps ; protection, esthesis, heat ordinance, control of vaporization, storage and synthesis, soaking up, H2O opposition. The constructions of the tegument all work together to keep the of import maps.3You are exerting on a hot twenty-four hours. Explain two ways in which the integumentary system acts to continue homeostasis20 % 250AnswerTwo ways in which the integumentary system acts to continue homeostasis are sudating and vasodilation. Homeostasis is a term for your organic structure ‘s ability to modulate your internal province, and perspiration is an illustration of this. If your organic structure temperature gets excessively high, one of the homeostatic mechanisms used to convey your temp back to normal is sudating. Eccrine perspiration secretory organs are the major perspiration secretory organs of the human organic structure, found in virtually all tegument. Sweat is clear secernment that is chiefly H2O and salt ( sodium chloride ) . Perspiration reaches the tegument via a canal that opens externally as a funnel shaped pore. Eccrine perspiration secretory organs are a extremely efficient portion of the heat regulation system, they are supplied with nervus terminations that cause them to release perspiration when the organic structure ‘s temperature gets excessively high. When perspiration evaporates off the teguments surface it takes organic structure heat with it. On a hot twenty-four hours you could lose up to 7 liters of organic structure H2O. Another manner the integumental system acts to continue homeostasis is vasodilation. Blood vass providing blood to the tegument can swell or distend – called vasodilation. This causes more heat to be carried by the blood to the tegument, where it can be lost to the air nevertheless if the external environment is every bit hot as or hotter than the organic structure the lone manner to let go of heat is through vaporization of sweat. This is an efficient beginning of heat loss every bit long as the air is dry, if it is humid vaporization occurs at a much slower rate go forthing the individual hot and annoyed. When the organic structure cools down the hypothalamus through the autonomic nervous system tells the ‘heat loss ‘ Centre to exchange off.4Indicate how aging affects the tegument and explicate how these alterations affect its normal map.15 %AnswerAs people age their cuticular cell replacing slows therefore the tegument begins to thin ensuing in an addition of bruising and other types of hurt. The lubricating substances provided by the tegument glands that provides immature looking and soft skin start to go less efficient, ensuing in dry itchy tegument. Elastic fibres and collagen fibres become fewer and stiffer so the tegument has much less snap ensuing in furrows. The lessening in Numberss of melanocytes and langerhans cells produced can heighten the hazard of skin malignant neoplastic disease in older age, particularly if alot of ultraviolet beams are absorbed. UV beams are a major part to the celerity of teguments aging. Over clip, the Sun ‘s beams damage certain fibres in the tegument called elastin. The dislocation of elastin fibres causes the tegument to droop and take longer to mend.Aging besides affects things below the tegument ; loss of fat below the tegument may ensue in loosening tegument, bone loss after the age of 60 can do puckering of the tegument around the oral cavity, gristle loss in the nose causes saging of the rhinal tip.Smokers besides tend to hold more furrows than non-smokers of the same age. Skin alterations associated with ageing pose peculiar jobs for nurses caring for aged people.5Outline the nursing rules involved in tegument attention in the aged.15 %AnswerAged patients are prone to clamber cryings, ulcers, scratchs, annoyance and infection particularly if they are diabetic. If proper tegument attention is non adhered to, it can ensue in sores, dry/painful tegument and even sphacelus. When an aged patient is bathing the temperature of the H2O should be warm instead than hot as aged people ‘s tegument does non incorporate as much oil as it one time did, if all the oil is washed off, their tegument is more susceptible to breakage, which can take to infection. A mild soap should ever be used as it is non rough on their tegument and helps forestall it from going prohibitionist. Due to the loss of natural oils in the tegument, it is necessary to use a moisturizing lotion after a bath and multiple times through the twenty-four hours. Using a moisturizer helps cut down the itching, and the likeliness of infection. It is non uncommon for some aged patients to be confined to their bed 24 hours a twenty-four hours. This is when skin attention is critical, particularly if they are incontinent of intestine and vesica, rinsing and drying the country on a regular basis can cut down the hazard of a fungous infection forming. Aged tegument must be observed on a regular basis to look into for alterations such as moles. MARK SHEET. Workbook 3 Integumentary system Question Marks out of 100 Marks Awarded 1st marker 2nd marker Agree 1 15 2 35 3 20 4 15 5 15 Entire 100 Final Agreed Mark Workbook 1 Workbook 2 Workbook 3 Concluding Percentage