Monday, September 30, 2019

Personal Identity †Philosophy Essay

It is easy to see oneself as the same person we were ten, twenty, or fifty years ago. We can define identity through our physical presence, life experiences, memories, and mental awareness of self. One can testify our persistence as a person through our existence as a person. But what makes us the same person? In this paper, I will argue for the â€Å"simple† view of the persistence of identity – that it is impossible to determine what single thing that makes us the same person over time. I will support my claim with the refutation of the main complex view claims of the body, brain and psychological continuity criterion. Entrenched in the â€Å"simple† view is the idea that personal identity, and the persistence of personal identity, cannot be measured through philosophical discourse or scientific investigation. There are a number of opposing arguments, known as complex theories of personal identity. In each of these arguments, the central claim is that either the body, the brain, or the psychological continuity of an individual determines how they persist as the same person (Garrett, 1998, p 52). To call them complex is a misnomer – for each is far too narrow to properly define and explain personal identity. Complex argument 1– Psychological continuity John Locke defines a person as a ‘thinking, intelligent being, that has reason and reflection and can consider itself as itself, the same thinking thing, in different times and places’ (Locke, 1689, p 1-6). This statement suggests that, in order to persist as the same person, we must have a mental consciousness which persists through time. We can say that a person is psychologically continuous if they have a mental state that is descendent from their previous mental states. For example, this theory states that a five-year-old will be the same person when they are a 25-year-old, because their mental state in later years is descendent from their earlier years. Counter argument By its very nature, the idea of psychological continuity is flawed. It is not uncommon for an individual’s mental state to be changed so drastically that they could not truly be considered the same person. Several examples have been made by Waller: sufferers of cognitive impairments such as dementia, people who have gone through stressful or traumatic situations, and war eterans that are affected by post-traumatic stress disorder (Waller, 2011, p 198-210). In any of these cases, it would be difficult to argue that the individual has a continuous mental state – more accurate would be to describe them as a â€Å"snap† or â€Å"break† that, effectively, creates a new person. The only conclusion is that these individuals do not persist, as their psychological states become radically different from their previous psychological states. Complex argument 2 – Persistence of the body Another expression of the complex view is the body criterion. Put simply, a person is said to persist if they exist in the same physical body over time. In this case, the previously mentioned dementia or PTSD sufferers would be considered the same people, as their physical body has continued. The theory suggests a â€Å"brute physical relation† between body and identity (Korfmacher, 2006). Without regard for mental state, an individual is considered to have a persistent personal identity as long as their body survives. Counter argument This theory lends itself easily to thought experiments, and they quickly expose some problems. If individual A receives an organ donation from individual B, can it be said that individual A has taken some of B’s identity? Surely not. It would be absurd to suggest that having the kidney or liver of another person would affect one’s persistence as an individual. Similarly, if individual C had their body cloned, it would not make their clone the same person. There is much more to personal identity than can be defined by something so comparatively insignificant as the physical body. Complex argument 3 – Persistence of the brain The brain is the functional centre of the human body; the place where memories are stored, feelings are felt, and environmental signals are processed. It is unsurprising, therefore, that the brain is so often considered to be the â€Å"home† of personal identity. This theory is a staple of many science fiction texts – as a convention, the cognizant â€Å"brain in a jar† or brain transplant recipient is fairly common. Proponents of this â€Å"we are our brains† theory claim that, so long as the brain persists, so does the person. Counter argument This theory seems to refer to consciousness rather than the physicality of the brain, so it is important to make a clarification between the two. Julian Baggini suggests that we should view the relationship between consciousness and identity similarly to the relationship between a musical score and the paper it is written on (Baggini, 2005, pp. 112-114). In other words, the brain is simply a storage space for our memories, thoughts, and self-awareness. Should it not, therefore, be so that an individual could simply persist as a brain in a jar, provided they could be sustained in that state? If the entirety of personal identity is stored in the brain, there must be no need for the rest of the body beyond keeping the brain alive. Such a theory could not possibly be true – life experiences and interactions with the world are such an intrinsic part of identity that we could not persist without them. The theory that consciousness plays a significant role in the persistence of personal identity is appealing, but it can not be said that the brain alone could sustain consciousness. Conclusion  To call the simple view of the persistence of personal identity â€Å"simple† is almost deceptive; deep consideration on the subject quickly turns towards the complex. It is easy to grasp at the categories of body, brain, and mental state, but it would be wrong to say that the persistence of any of those equates to the persistence of an individual. Personal identity is something so much harder to define, and it is harder still to find definitive measures of its continuation. Personal identity is evasive, and fleeting; it is intangible, ever-changing. Its persistence is so much more than can be determined.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


In various times Mongols have been equated with the Scythians, the Magog and the Turkic peoples. Based on Chinese historical texts the ancestry of the Mongol peoples can be traced back to the Donghu, a nomadic confederation occupying eastern Mongolia and Manchuria. The identity of the Xiongnu is still debated today. Although some scholars maintain that they were proto-Mongols, the fact that Chinese histories trace certain Turkic tribes from the Xiongnu complicates the issue. 10] The Donghu, however, can be much more easily labeled proto-Mongol since the Chinese histories trace only Mongolic tribes and kingdoms (Xianbei and Wuhuan peoples) from them, although some historical texts claim a mixed Xiongnu-Donghu ancestry for some tribes (e. g. the Khitan). [11] The Donghu are mentioned by Sima Qian as already existing in Inner Mongolia north of the state of Yan in 699-632 BC. Mentions in the Lost Book of Zhou (Yizhoushu) and the Shanhaijing indicate the Donghu were also active during the Shang dynasty (1600–1046 BC).The Mongolic-speaking Xianbei formed part of the Donghu confederation, but had earlier times of independence, as evidenced by a mention in the Guoyu (â€Å" † section) which states that during the reign of King Cheng of Zhou (reigned 1042–1021 BC) the Xianbei came to participate at a meeting of Zhou subject-lords at Qiyang ( ) (now Qishan County) but were only allowed to perform the fire ceremony under the supervision of Chu (? ), since they were not vassals by covenant ( ).The Xianbei chieftain was appointed joint guardian of the ritual torch along with Xiong Yi. These early Xianbei came from the nearby Zhukaigou culture (2200-1500BC) in the Ordos Desert where maternal DNA corresponds to Mongolic Daurs and Evenks (Tungusified Xianbei). The Zhukaigou Xianbei (part of the Ordos culture of Inner Mongolia and northern Shaanxi) had trade relations with the Shang dynasty (1600-1046BC). The Zhou clan lived near the Beidi (who included the Xianbei) for 14 generations before moving to the Central Plains in middle Shaanxi under Gugong Danfu).Another closely connected core Mongolic Xianbei region was the Upper Xiajiadian culture (1000-600 BC) where the Donghu confederation was centered. After the Donghu were defeated by Modu Chanyu the Xianbei and Wuhuan survived as the main remnants of the confederation. Tadun Khan of the Wuhuan (died 207 AD) was the ancestor of the proto-Mongolic Kumo Xi. [12] In 49 AD the Mongolic Xianbei ruler Bianhe (Bayan Khan? ) raided and defeated the Xiongnu, killing 2000, after having received generous gifts from Emperor Guangwu of Han.The Xianbei reached their peak under Tanshihuai Khan (reigned 156-181) who expanded the vast, but short lived, Xianbei state. Xianbei Empire under Tanshihuai (141-181) Three prominent proto-Mongol groups split from the Xianbei, as recorded by the Chinese histories: the Nirun (claimed by some to be the Avars), the Khitan and the Shiwei (a sub-tribe called the â⠂¬Å"Shiwei Menggu† is held to be the origin of the Genghisid Mongols). [13] Besides these three Xianbei groups, there were other Xianbei groups with Mongolic affiliation such as the Murong, Duan and Tuoba.Their culture was nomadic, their religion Shamanism or Buddhism and their military strength formidable. There is still no direct evidence that the Nirun spoke a Mongolic language, although most scholars agree that they were proto-Mongolic. [14] The Khitan, however, had two scripts of their own and many Mongolic words are found in their half-deciphered writings that are usually found with a parallel Chinese text (for example, nair=sun, sair=moon, tau=five, jau=hundred, m. r=horse, im. a=goat, n. q=dog, m. ng=silver, ju. un=summer, n. m. ur=autumn, u. ul=winter, heu. ur=spring, tau. l. a=rabbit, t. q. a=hen and m. g. o=snake). [15] There is no doubt regarding the Khitan being proto-Mongol. [16] Asia in 500 AD, showing the Nirun (Juan-Juan) Empire and its neighbors Geographicall y the Tuoba Xianbei ruled Inner Mongolia and northern China, the Nirun (Yujiulu Shelun was the first to use the title Khagan in 402) ruled Outer Mongolia, the Khitan were concentrated in Southern Manchuria north of Korea and the Shiwei were located to the north of the Khitan.These tribes and kingdoms were soon overshadowed by the rise of the Gok-Turks in 555, the Uyghurs in 745 and the Yenisei Kirghizs in 840. The Tuoba were eventually absorbed into China. The Rouran fled west from the Gok-Turks and either disappeared into obscurity or, as some say, invaded Europe as the Avars under their Khan Bayan I. Some Rouran under Tatar Khan migrated east founding the Tatar tribes, who became part of the Shiwei. The Khitan, who were independent after their separation from the proto-Mongol Kumo Xi (ofWuhuan origin) in 388 AD, continued as a minor power in Manchuria until one of them, Abaoji (872-926), established the Khitan Liao Dynasty (907-1125). The Khitan fled west after their defeat by the Tungusic Jurchens (later known as Manchus) and founded the Kara-Khitan or Western Liao dynasty (1125–1218) in eastern Kazakhstan. In 1218 Genghis Khan destroyed the Kara-Khitan Kingdom after which the Khitan passed into obscurity. The modern-day minority of Mongolic-speaking Daurs in China are their direct descendants based on DNA evidence. [17][18] The Shiwei included a tribe called the Shiwei Menggu. 19] Bodonchar Munkhag (Chagatai tradition dates ‘Buzanjar Munqaq' to the rebellion of Abu Muslim or 747 AD. [20]) the founder of the House of Borjigin and the ancestor of Genghis Khan is held to be descended from the Shiwei Menggu. The early Shiwei paid tribute to the Tuoba Wei (386-534) and submitted to the Khitans. After the Khitans left Mongolia the Shiwei Mongols rose to prominence, when from the 1130s there were reciprocally hostile relations between the successive khans of the Khamag Mongol confederation (Khaidu, Khabul Khan and Ambaghai Khan) and the emperors of t he Jin dynasty.With the expansion of the Mongol Empire, the Mongols settled over almost all Eurasia and carried on military campaigns from the Adriatic Sea to Java and from Japan to Palestine. Mongols simultaneously became Padishahs of Persia, Emperors of China, Great Khans of Mongolia and one Mongol even became Sultan of Egypt (Al-Adil Kitbugha). The Mongols of the Golden Horde established themselves to govern Russia by 1240. [21] By 1279, the Mongols conquered the Song Dynasty and brought all of China under control of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty. 21] With the breakup of the Empire, the dispersed Mongols quickly adopted the mostly Turkic cultures surrounding them and were assimilated, forming parts of Tatars (not confused with a tribe in ancient Mongolia), Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Yugurs and Moghuls; linguistic and cultural Persianization also began to be prominent in these territories. However, most of the Mongols returned to Mongolia, retaining their language and culture. After the fall of t he Yuan Dynasty in 1368 the Mongols established their independent regime as Northern Yuan.However, the Oirads or Western Mongols began to challenge the Eastern Mongols under the Borjigin monarchs in the late 14th century. Present-day Khalkha Mongols and Inner Mongolians are the most prominent of the remaining Eastern Mongols while the Kalmyks (formerly Oirats) in Europe are the main descendants of the Western Mongols. The Khalkha emerged during the reign of Dayan Khan (1464–1543) as one of the six tumens of the Eastern Mongols. They quickly became the dominant Mongol clan in Outer Mongolia.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Study Of Russias Political Ideologies And Vladimir Putins Administration

A Study Of Russia's Political Ideologies And Vladimir Putin's Administration The symbiotic relationship between politics and the economy benefits society as a whole, and this carefully constructed, mutually beneficial connection can easily turn sour should one side negatively impact the other. To further expand upon this claim, it is hardly a revolutionary idea to say that economic theories have changed depending on who has political control, and individual politicians can usurp power depending on the state of the economy. A further fragmented political state evolves when regional government carries most of a national economic burden. This give and take association is exemplified in Russia following Putin’s return to power combined with the Russian financial collapse during the latter portion of 2014. The political ideologies of Russia under Putin aggravated pre-existing financial instabilities within regional economies, and the sharp decline of the price of oil as well as international economic sanctions imposed on Russia that led to the collapse of t he Russian ruble. As the name Vladimir Putin echoes in every corner of the world, the leader of the world’s largest nation is known for being quite a controversial figure. Putin maintains a pseudo democracy that could be labeled as potentially more dangerous than the pure autocracy Russians suffered for decades. Even for centuries, Russia has experienced a tumultuous political climate; specifically, â€Å"Nearly two decades after the fall of communism, Russia is not a democracy. But neither is it an absolute autocracy in the mold of, say, Cuba or North Korea. That is to say, Russia pretends to be democratic† (Shevtsova). Pretending to be democratic, however, comes from years of chaos and uncertainty. With help from Western governments, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, Russia underwent the largest and fastest privatization in history in order to establish a fully nationalized Soviet economy. But, seven years after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia suffered the 1998 financial crisis, and at the time, it’s regional governments shouldered most of Russia’s economic burden. During the course of those seven years, Russia entered a deep depression, thus the 1998 financial crisis worsened an already dire situation. Boris Yeltsin weathered Russia through their economic troubles to the best of his ability, and the economy only really recovered once demand for oil rose. However, hours before the first day of the year 2000, Yeltsin announced his resignation, leaving the government in the hands of Vladimir Putin, a former KGB official and the head of the FSB. Putin’s action during both his previous and current terms in office reflect the scarily obvious link between the political climate within a country and its economic state. For Putin in his first term, he rebuilt an impoverished Russia with the help of the Russian oligarchs, or the wealthy businessmen who were former Soviet Union officials. Putin’s association with former So viet Union officials came with little to no surprise for anyone when he described the collapse of the Soviet Union as, â€Å" the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the Twentieth Century,† (BBC). His hopeful Soviet Union ideals continue to drive Russia into a divided political state, and further antagonizes existing economic troubles. Given its vast size, Russia reaps an abundant amount of natural resources, which they use for economic purposes. Similar to the 1998 financial crisis, the root of the 2014 economic struggles revolve around oil prices, the principal resource of their economy. Or in other words, â€Å"Russia gets around half of its budget revenue from taxes on oil and natural gas, and as long as the price of oil is plummeting, its economy is likely to continue sinking.† (McLaughlin). The collapse of the ruble in 2014 was not directly linked to just oil though. Russia’s economy was also deeply affected by an unbalanced pension system, inflation, and severe US and European sanctions. Other than oil, the most noteworthy cause for this period of economic instability would be the international sanctions made against Russia during the Ukrainian crisis. Addressing the Crimean crisis and the shortly followed annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, several governments and international org anizations, led by the United States and European Union, imposed sanctions on Russian individuals and businesses. On October 3, 2014, Joe Biden even commented, â€Å"We don’t want Russia to collapse. We want Russia to succeed. But Putin has to make a choice. These asymmetrical advances on another country cannot be tolerated. The international system will collapse if they are.† (Biden). Russia continues to push the boundaries of the political spectrum, despite already suffering from issues such as inflation. Inflation has a direct connection to issues such as unemployment, which in turn affects political policies. Russia’s annual inflation for 2014 was 11.4%, the highest level of inflation since 2008, and combining that very high percentage with the falling ruble, consumer prices, especially food, began to skyrocket. The various factors causing economic instabilities beginning in 2014, which can still be seen today, have had definite political effects. In 2012, Putin reclaimed presidential power, but the international community called into question the logistics of his election. Specifically, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe observed blatant fraud, â€Å"including the brazen stuffing of ballot boxes.† (Schwirtz). The legality of this election spurred protests throughout the streets of Russia with people asking for Russia without Putin, but Putin quickly squashed any opposition against him through means of violence, intimidation, and coercion. His reassertion into power laid a shaky political foundation that was aggravated by the collapse of the Russian ruble in 2014. For Russia, their primary political concern in 2014 occurred when Russia seized Crimea, exponentially affecting tensions between the East and the West, and in the latter portion of 2014, the ruble began to devalue. In 2015, Russia launches military support for their ally President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, and â€Å"oil and gas accounted for 43 percent of the government’s revenue. The World Bank predicted the poverty [in Russia] rate will reach 14.2 percent in 2016,† (Lee). Now, currently in 2017, the United States has launched an investigation into Russia’s role with the Trump administration. The correlation between the economic state of Russia and political climate within this vast state is that both sides need each other to be successful. However, a declining economic state led to a more tense political atmosphere, because the ruble was suffering due to rising U.S. interest rates as well as economic sanctions. But, the ruble drastically dropped because of a series of controversial political decisions by the Putin and other Russian leaders. Since the national government is slowly unraveling, the regional governments throughout Russia are capitalizing on their lack of assertiveness. With its immense size, the regions of Russia vastly differ. For most people, they do not see that: â€Å"the difference across Russian regions, although they may not be enormous by EU standards, are nonetheless striking: from highly urbanized to predominantly agrarian, from Mediterranean climatic conditions to extremely cold, from rich to natural resources to poor in natural resources, from gateway or commercial hub regions to regions facing high transport costs,† (Dimitros). Under the Russian constitution, the regional and local government received numerous powers such as imposing regional taxes, and they fully exercised their enumerated powers to alleviate their economic burdens. Russia currently has nine established districts which include Central, Far East, Northwest, Siberia, Southern, Urals, Volga, and Northern Caucasus. The ninth district was established in 2014 following Russia’s annexation of Crimea. In comparison to the federal government, these nine districts lack adequate tax revenue to pay their teachers, police officers, or other public officials, and they are overburdened by pensions. Although these regions face similar economic burdens: â€Å"The resource-rich areas, the financial capitals and the maritime regions would benefit from the liberalization of the economy and from free trade. These regions, relying on the export of mineral resources, on geographic location, or on financial capital, are more inclined to back the more liberal foreign trade oriented policy,† (Dimitros). As the resource-rich regions of Russia lean towards more liberal policies, the traditional industrial areas suffer from an inability to make structural adjustments. Whereas, the less industrialized regions are more likely to endorse domestic trade rather than international. The simple difference of regional economies can not be emphasized enough in Russia, because it exposes fragmented political ideologies. During their long term structural economic decline, Moscow has slowly started to crumble and in turn Putin is losing control of his country. In other words, the domestic problems that the Kremlin is facing threatens the centralized authority that Putin has worked so hard to build. Last year, â€Å"even the Russian Ministry of Economic Development admitted that [acceptable] living standards are unlikely until 2035,† (Jarmas). Thus given that the overall conditions of Russia’s federal government are declining rapidly, many regional governments are trying to maintain their minimal portions of the federal budget. The regional economies within Russia are preemptively preparing to ford their people through yet another tragic financial collapse, although they thought they would receive assistance from Putin. In 2012, for this third term Putin ran on the platform that he would increase wages in the public sector, but now in 2017, Putin is yet to make good on his promises. The f ederal budget has provided little funding for regional governments, who ultimately would be responsible for the higher wages. Putin has entrapped regional governments within a vicious cycle, where they are mandated to provide costly welfare programs by the central government which provides little to none federal funding. However, the Kremlin requires that regional governments carry most of their economic burden so they can focus on larger political conflicts. The relationship between politics and the economy highlights the effect of political ideologies on both regional and national economies. Political ideologies can alter depending on the economic state of a country, and that economic state can be drastically affected by a country’s political regime. The ramifications of Russia’s financial collapse that began in 2014 are seen today, and protest over unpaid wages continue to rise across Russia. With the 2018 World Cup around the corner for Russia, protesters have begun to link Kremlin’s megaprojects, such as a new soccer stadium, to worsening economic conditions in various regions throughout Russia. Russia has also been in numerous headlines, for their ties to the Trump administration, and their continual involvement in American politics mounts growing international concerns. Russia’s eagerness to venture into foreign affairs reflects a nation desperate for a new form of economic stability, a concept that may elude them for years to come and will continue to do so until many of the nation’s systemic issues are resolved.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Marketin Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketin Paper - Essay Example The example given is rational and very sound since the connection is mostly sought on an emotional level more than anything else. The marketing touch should be through feelings and emotions rather than on the financial side. This is true because marketing employs a number of significant associations with the heart and the mind which make it a very decisive proposition. â€Å"Marketing has been described in many different ways, shapes, and forms. Many who are involved with marketing describe it similar to the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, services, organizations, and will satisfy individual and organizational objectives.† I opine that this definition is more apt and cohesive from all sides. (Boone & Kurtz, 1998) This has looked at defining marketing as a complete 360 degree approach rather than sending messages between the company and the end consumers every now and then. The relation is thus more complete than is imagined by the earlier definitions provided for marketing. I believe that marketing employs a number of practices which are regarded as its sub-fields namely advertising, sales promotion activities, personal selling, public relations (or publicity) and direct mailing to name a few. With the passage of time, the definition of marketing has changed as it has included a pre-manufacture tilt to its basis with regards to a product and/or service. Selling gets differentiated from marketing in the fact that selling is only done when a product is made available on the shelf within a retail outlet while marketing starts even when there is an idea or concept of the related product and thus the whole game starts as a result of this hype within the relevant audiences. (Armstrong & Kotler,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Crusiate Ligaments Sprain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Crusiate Ligaments Sprain - Essay Example However, in complex sprains a large segment of the fibres are torn and the ends of the ligament may have separated from each other. This would result in immense pain as well as instability of the joint and it may require surgical treatment. Rouzier indicates that sprains may be graded according to their severity: According to the Chester Knee Clinic, the knee is a well exposed structure that consists of two joints and made up of three bones namely, the femur, tibia and the patella. They further go on to describe its anatomy in greater detail: The tibio-femoral joint has medial and lateral compartments. The medial and lateral femoral condyles articulate with the medial and lateral tibial plateaus. The patella covers the front of the knee. The patello-femoral joint is the articulation of the patella with the femoral trochlea. All joint surfaces are covered with hyaline articular cartilage. This anatomy of the knee joint offers no real support to the joint's stability. Thus, ligaments are essential in regulating the movement of the knee joint and maintaining its stability. Various stabilizing configurations are brought into play as the knee moves through its full range of motion, giving dynamic stability to the joint (Smith and Moran 1). Avery describes the knee joint as consisting of four essential ligaments that aid in its stabilization. The sides of the joint consist of the medial and lateral collateral ligaments which aid in the side-to-side stability of the joint. In the front of the joint is the anterior crusiate ligament (ACL) which serves to prevent the tibia from sliding forward and rotating during various agile activities such as jumping. Opposite to the ACL is the posterior crusiate ligament (PCL) which prevents the tibia from sliding back. The crusiate ligaments regulate movement as the centre of rotation changes during movement. The presence of the menisci is another important feature for not only do they act as shock absorbers, but they also aid in weight distribution (ehealthMD 1). Incidentally, the crossing of the ACL and PCL in the centre of the knee is what gives rise to the term "crusiate". Representations of these structures courtesy of the Journal of the American Medical Association are as seen in Figures 1 and 2 below. Figure 1: Anatomy of the Right Knee Figure 2: Anatomy of the right knee with ligaments cut. Knee Biomechanics As Elliot explains, clinical biomechanics refers to the research conducted on the actions of walking, tissue mechanics, neuromuscular control and the evaluation of movement when an individual is undergoing rehabilitation when recovering from disease or injury (1). The Chester Knee Clinic provides a comprehensive understanding of the biomechanics of the knee. The bones of the knee joint, unlike the hip joint, are not a close fit to one another. This variation allows for a wider range of motion to occur in order for an individual to carry out daily activities. However, this range of motion is still limited in its inherited stability due to the bony structure of the joint. According to the KneeDoc, "the lack

Statistics for Managers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Statistics for Managers - Assignment Example Managers are frequently exposed to large masses of data but before the data can be put into use, must be organized, summarized and critically interpreted. Therefore this is one of a very important aspect of statistics. Research has clearly shown that top managers reach to a consensus 25% more quickly when responding to graphical presentations. This importance of descriptive statistics is thus a key strategy for managers. It is advisable for the management to posses analytical skills necessary to interpret graphs and computations on the same. Inferential statistics It can also be defined as making inferences about a population from a random sample. On the other inference refers to the art of reasoning involved in making conclusions and logical judgement based on the evidence from the collected data. Management revolves around decision making and thus inferential statistics come into place because the manager has to analyze the trend of the business operation (Broster, 1972). Based on the competitors or generally the market fluctuations such as change in consumer demands, the management is able to observe clearly the trend and from the given observations, logical judgements or inferences are made on the same. This is a very important aspect for a successive manager hence a better understanding of inferential statistics is important because it is a driving force to a positive growth of a business. Hypothesis development and testing A hypothesis is some testable believe or opinion while hypothesis is the process of formulating and coming up with hypothesis. On the contrary, hypothesis testing is the process by which they believe is tested through statistical means (Levin, 1987). This aspect of... The main objective of this essay is to critically analyze the different aspects of statistics, learnt by the researcher throughout the course in relation to management. It is an in depth explanation of ethical and managerial traits one has to possess through acquiring statistical knowledge. This essay is also important in helping students aspiring to be future managers to take the study of statistics seriously, so as to avoid future dilemma when it come to making and implementing decisions. Generally statistics improve the quality of data through the use of specific sample surveys and experimental designs It provides the tools necessary for making predictions based on the data collected through statistical models. There are two types of statistics basically qualitative and quantitative or inferential and descriptive statistics. Statistics for managers is of significance since it is the foundation on which precise, accurate and informed decisions are made. The researcher states that a manager has to apply different aspects of statistical knowledge in order to make informed decisions and continue to prosper. The role of statistics cannot be replaced, neither can it be underestimated because it is very useful to managers and improving their analytical and interpretive skills based on data collected. Moreover, the researcher concluds his study on the topic and gives statement that no manager can be successful without statistical knowledge thus a very important aspect in the art of management.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Should the U.S. lower the drinking age to 18 Research Paper - 1

Should the U.S. lower the drinking age to 18 - Research Paper Example Smith (2008) pointed out that â€Å"teenagers have not developed the cognitive, social, and psychological mechanisms that are needed to make thoughtful and logical decisions about alcohol use† (Smith). In other words, people below the age of 21 may not be able to take sound decisions in their life and therefore they should not be allowed to drink. At the same time, many people argue that if an 18 year person is wise enough to elect political leaders, then he should be allowed to take drink at the age of 18. At 20 years old, an American can drive a car, buy cigarettes and pornography, vote for the next leader of the free world, and even die for his or her country by enlisting in the military. But that same person cannot order a beer with friends while watching the game at a sports bar. Because of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, some Americans can put themselves in front of terrorists with machine guns, but not a Heineken† (Blanche). In short, legal drink ag e is a controversial topic in America at present because of the various dimensions attached to this topic. So many arguments were cited in favour and against the lowering of drink age in America. In my opinion, drink age should not be lowered under any circumstances since lowering of drink age can generate so many social, physical and mental problems not only to the drinker but also to the family and society in which he belongs. Seaman Barrett (2005) in his article "How Bingeing Became the New College Sport" argued in favour of lowering drink age from 21 to 18 in America. He has cited many reasons for his argument. â€Å"Pregaming is a common thing in American college campuses which came into existence in the 1990’s. It usually involves sitting in a dorm room or an off-campus apartment and drinking as much hard liquor as possible before heading out for the evening's parties† (Seaman). Parker (2007) also supported the arguments of Seaman. In his opinion, â€Å"because of the ban, instead of drinking in bars or restaurants where there is supervision, it's happening in dorms and dark corners† (Parker). One of the major arguments cited in favour of lowering of drink age to 18 is that non-availability of drinks through legal channels may force the teenagers to get it from illegal sources. Supporters of these arguments are of the view that drinks from illegal sources could be more dangerous and poisonous than the drinks from legal channels. â€Å"Over 80% of adults believe that it is easy for people under the age of 18 to access alcohol in pubs and off-licenses† (Morrissey). It is a fact that antisocial elements can exploit these teenagers for various purposes. However, in my opinion, these arguments are illogical. It is the duty of the government to take necessary actions to punish those who supply liquor illegally. It is meaningless to lower the drink age instead of prohibiting illegal liquor supply. Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drowning†(Alcohol Alert). Teenagers during their developmental stages many not be able to take sound decisions. They are not matured enough to take wise decisions for their

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How communication flows, Organizational diversity and Conflict Essay

How communication flows, Organizational diversity and Conflict management - Essay Example The second form could be the one that starts from the lower or middle management and goes up towards the top management. A common example of this kind of communication flow is in the type of protests and rallies that arise at the lower level and the lower management wants to make sure that their voice gets heard courtesy the top cadre of the organization. The third communication flow could be in the kind of peer to peer communication and interaction. This means that the employees and the workers at the same level communicate within their own capacities and as such there are no hindrances arising from the whole communication matrix. Apart from this, within an organization the communication also flows in a formal as well as an informal manner. Where the communication is more formal and sophisticated, the interaction is usually done through paper and written requests whereas the informal talk is also called ‘grapevine’ and is mostly done in a casual manner without any such paper work to document the very same. Proper and smooth communication can only flow within an organization when there is complete understanding of the message at all possible levels. The barriers within the communication process should be removed as this is known as the â€Å"noise† factor in the whole communication matrix. Within an organization, the communication should always be of a formal nature so that there are no problems and grievances for all concerned. Organizational diversity means what kind of organizational working a company usually has within its folds. This could be in the form of a centralized fashion or a company which has a decentralized approach as far as its working methodologies are concerned. The centralized diversity of an organization understands the fact that the supreme basis of instructions and commands rests with only one single party and all the other staff members encircle this post of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Quality of Service of Voice over Internet Protocol for Enterprise Use Essay

Quality of Service of Voice over Internet Protocol for Enterprise Use - Essay Example Unless quality of VoIP reaches quality level suitable as an enterprise product, the demand for VOIP will not be fully realized. Developments in VoIP have been able to establish not only as a communication option but as a valuable e-service as well. However, there remains to be key issues that are critical in its adoption into companies or as an enterprise. The main issue is regarding its cost and the quality of services (Biddlecombe, 2005). In 2004, the telecommunications industry saw the launch of mass-market VoIP services that followed the traditional interface models of Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) and by 2005, free services began their entry to the market (Dean, 2003). Among the first one to offer services for free ware Skype which remains to be a significant market leader today. Following the success of Skype other online services began to include VoIP as part of their interface and retooled products as seen in the launch of Microsoft's Window Messenger Live, Yahoo's Yahoo Messenger with Voice and Google's Google Talk among others. However, the greatest potential for VoIP use is in corporate applications. The main benefit is in the communication and networking capacity it can provide. The utilization of VoIP operations using it to traffic PSTN calls locally and internationally (Cave & Mason, 2001). IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS's) have allowed the incorporation of internet technologies into current systems as well facilitated the actual interface of VoIP infrastructure with PSTN and mobile phones ("Voice over IP", 2006). However, most industry analysts believe that the major issue that companies consider in shifting an IP communications system is its ability to suit the operations and needs of the company (Dean, 2003). It is easy to understand this concern because VoIP adaptation costs a significant amount of capital and maintenance. The service desired is one that does not only exceed traditional PSTN communications but also one that is the most cost effective, easiest to maintain and upgrade. At the moment, there is no standard model for the evaluation of VoIP systems and since it is still being developed, standards of performance are also continually changing (Loyola et al, 2006). The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has already set standards for security and communication standards of VoIP service but has yet to be able to cope up with more comprehensive service standards (Hickman, 1998). It is estimated that as the quality of VoIP services increase, the greater its potential to be the premiere communication revolution of the age. VoIP services is not seen just as a revolutionary means of communication but it is the most significant development in the convergence of modern communication technologies. Quality of Service: QoS VoIP quality and reliability has been progressed as networking hardware, software and the speed of internet connections. Paul Travis (2005) estimates that by 2010, VoIP will already adapted by the majority American households, institutions and business. Though the primary consideration according to most studies is the cost of VoIP, analysts believe

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Benjamin Franklin Essay Example for Free

Benjamin Franklin Essay Founding father Benjamin Franklin once said, â€Å"The way to see faith is to shut the eye of reason. † Theists for thousands of years have shut their eyes to reason and blindly followed the word of those who would have them believe in false gods. Reason demonstrates, through outlets such as Occam’s Razor, the lack of a need for the existence of those gods and the shortcomings of theists in attempts to prove their faith. Such shortcomings most prominently come in the failure to provide empirical data for the existence of gods, in fact, experimentation and observation show otherwise. To accompany a lack of need and a lack of evidence, because faith causes one to turn a blind eye to reason, arguments for theism are often weak, personal, and circumstantial at best, and can be easily negated. Reason, a lack of evidence, and weak arguments leave mankind only one option in regards to belief in the supernatural; no god or gods actually exist. Occam’s Razor not only establishes the falsehood of a requirement for gods, but also shifts the burden of proving the existence of gods unto the theorists. In blunt terms, the Razor states that, â€Å"All other things being equal, a simpler explanation is preferred over a complex one† (Krauss). Therefore, entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily, so the simplest of theories should be chosen before the most complex and that the unknown should first be measured in known quantities (Krauss). A deity, while providing a simple metaphysical escape for the absence of evidence, adds a plethora of unneeded layers of complexity to the creation of the universe. The addition of a supreme being to the equation not only dismantles established laws of physics, but creates a type of pyramidal scheme to the universal hierarchy, with the deity at the top, as its influence can â€Å"butterfly out† to touch everything in existence and possibly altering its physical properties. The metaphysical effect of a deity on the physical world would have unimaginable effect on known forces and constants, creating a faucet that streams unknown quantities. Fortunately, Occam’s Razor demands that without empirical data solving some of those unknowns, there is no need to add a god to the equation and the deity can be dismissed (Krauss). To stack on the allowance of a dismissal of gods by the Razor, Occam also requires that the burden of proof of gods falls to theists. Without a need for a god, one must not assume without evidence that a deity exists, just as one would not assume a Minnie Mouse teapot floats between the Earth and Mars without empirical proof of its existence (Krauss). Therefore, if there is no need for a god, then theists must provide tangible confirmation demonstrating the existence of such a being in order for a reasonable person to feel the need to believe in it (Myers). If the theists, on the other hand are unable to provide tangible confirmation, then the majority are essentially asking the world to follow their religion without a need for god, without proof, and on the terms that the church understands all there is to know of the universe. In the end, thanks to Occam’s Razor, in order for the thesis to stand atheists need not disprove the idea of gods, as one cannot prove a negative. They need only to disprove (or prove the absence of) the evidence supporting theism. The religious throughout history have failed to provide empirical data for the existence of gods; in fact, experimentation and observation shows otherwise. Theism ultimately provides no factual evidence indicating the existence of a god or multiple gods. The so-called strongest proof for the presence of the supernatural lies almost entirely in the realm of unreliable personal experiences (Faust 72). Theists will often claim that they know of their gods through personal communication or through the feeling of their presence in the world. This idea inspires quite the opposite of the confidence in God the religious are trying to demonstrate by sharing that information. What the concept of â€Å"feeling† gods or having them speak to a person is not only condoned as ludicrous by those who do not partake in the lie, but if true indicates something that drifts very nearly toward borderline mental illness. Those who believe their gods speak to them should not be granted any immunity other schizophrenics are not and need to be admitted into a psychiatric ward. The thought that personal experience that cannot and has not been processed through a reasonable scientific experimental procedure can take the place of real evidence is one shared solely by theists. The world does not so lightheartedly admit untested and inconstant variables such as personal experiences because no one who logically assesses the facts could morally do so. The nonreligious portion of the Earth’s population does not recognize personal experience as a viable form of evidence for anyone besides theists (Faust 72). This arises from the notion that these experiences claimed by the religious are not comparable to witness accounts r recollection of victims in the court of law. Unlike in the case of witness accounts and recollections, theists demand that the supernatural feelings they have be classified as stand-alone evidence without empirical data or essentially a case to back it up (Faust 74). This form of proof cannot stand by itself, especially when one takes into consideration the fact that these experiences happen so little and with so little correlation to any direct event or circumstance that when compared with the rest they produce an insignificant number (Faust 75). Not to mention of course, that any witness account in a case must be taken with a grain of salt, as one can never be certain they are telling the truth without the backing of empirical data. In a vain attempt to denounce alternatives to supernatural creation theists often cling to the proud notion that if they can find a single flaw in an important scientific theory, such as natural selection or evolution, then the entire case of the nonexistence of god collapses (Dawkins 51). First, as proved earlier in the paper, the burden of proof is on the theists, so even if theists can disprove every scientific theory they must still prove theirs (Dawkins 53). Second, a scientific theory must be show to be fundamentally flawed in order for it to collapse. A few issues in the theory simply shows that there is a small amount of data missing or that a certain aspect must be corrected, both of which existences would serve to further the theory (Dawkins 53). The distinct difference between science and religion is that the scientific method of proposing a theory allows for the theory to change and adapt according to what is observed, meaning the core of the idea is what needs to collapse for it to be incorrect, not the random outliers and exceptions picked on by theists. Conclusively, unlike religious arguments, scientific theory is based on observation and change and therefore need to be proven fundamentally wrong to be publically denounced. Atheists have all heard it before, â€Å"Complexity, complexity, complexity, complexity, complexity. Did you know that a cell is really complex? Complexity, complexity, complexity, and you are just going to be blown away by the Trilobites. It crazy, they’re like little machines. Complexity. Therefore, design. † The argument of complexity through intelligent design is another tidbit of supposed empirical data theists put forth in an effort to provide â€Å"physical† evidence for the existence of gods (Myers). This contention is one of the main, and essentially their only, religious attempts to put forth empirical data which scientists can measure. The entire idea of complexity indicating design is in every sense ridiculous. The notion can be dispelled by observing the known world and watching nature, or even humans, create complex structures by chance or accident. Take for example, a young boy who tires of playing with a stick and throws it into a nearby creek. The stick floats downstream until it gets caught between two rocks at a narrow, and begins to catch other debris floating by. Eventually a variety of different types of objects will form a natural dam in the creek, creating a small pond, which in turn can develop its own ecosystem filled with life giving the illusion of design, but being completely natural (Myers). As shown in the example, the complexity of the world derived not from design, but from the wonder of chance, evolution, and natural selection. Over hundreds of millions of years life has slowly developed and pieced itself together much like the dam, changing and adapting to conditions and lifestyles on Earth (Myers). The extreme complexity through which the systems of life today work is derived from the natural selection aspect of evolution, if a system does not work, or fails to quickly adapt, then the system is eliminated time and time again until a system that operates survives (Myers). The argument of complexity solely resides in world of fantasy, has no scientific basis, and should be disregarded as viable physical evidence. Full well knowing how pitiful the points of the argument of intelligent design are, theists look to one final, very childish, measure to save their drowning plight, questioning the validity of science and the scientists who propose it (Mathew 1). Worshippers have long tried to poke holes in important theories such as natural selection and evolution or convince people to dismiss them as simple â€Å"guesses by scientists† (Mathew 1). On the receiving end of most of this ill-informed ridicule rests a creationist’s worst enemy, the theory of evolution. According to many theists, evolution cannot be as there are, so pompously pointed out, several gaps in the evolutionary chain (Dawkins 52). Not only does this not affect the validity of a theory as proved earlier, but is entirely untrue. Fortunately in this world there stands a concept known as a universal constant, a constant essentially keeps humans from testing if the floor will hold them every time they leave bed, or if the stove is hot when the on light is on, or allowing them to understand if they ump from a building they will die. These constants allow mankind to make a series of assumptions that make up nearly every decision in an average day. These assumptions permit humans to deduce situations such as that if a malicious looking; blood-soaked man leaves a room with a knife in hand and a body is found that the man was the murderer. The same idea transfers to the concept of evolution in the regard that scientists, with proper reasoning and motive, can guide the theory across gaps in the chain and still hold a fair evidence base. This utilization of basic skills as assumptions paired with evidence to substantiate them, along with earlier points of scientific theories’ abilities to withstand isolated flaws discredits theist attempts to put science to the question. Not only do the religious weakly attempt to discredit scientific theory and method, but they often will question the religious background of scientists in an effort to win people over to their side (Mathew 4). Perhaps the two most famous cases of the abuse of character are that of Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin. For ages now religious fanatics such as Ray Comfort have bastardized their work by releasing edited copies of their books and mining for quotes that will purposely mislead the common citizen into believing the scientists were theist. For example, Ray Comfort puts forth this quote about Einstein, â€Å"I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Comfort removed the quote completely from context in order to misconstrue its true meaning (Mathew 4). Spinoza’s God is not a god at all, but a term used to sum up the forces of the universe into a word. Einstein in that very paragraph went on to describe how he does not believe in a god who concerns himself with the fates and actions of humans (Mathew 4). Einstein even addressed this kind of misleading material in his own day writing statements denouncing those who claimed him as a believer in God, â€Å"It was of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which has been systematically repeated (Mathew 4). Zealots like Comfort also release carefully crafted versions of great works like Darwin’s Origin of Species in which Darwin claims that he finds it hard to believe that something as astounding as the human eye could have developed through chance, neglecting to add the parts right in which Darwin continues to say that despite this, reason suggests that its true (Mathew 5). The attempt to discredit science and scientists by theists is disgraceful and such a ersonal attack in an impersonal topic alone should be grounds to dismiss the claim. Overall, theists have repeated neglected to present any actual empirical data, therefore have no proof of the existence of gods, and must resort to metaphysical or personal claims. Not only do Occam’s Rule and the absolute lack of empirical evidence disprove the idea of gods, but what arguments theists do rely on are weak, individual, and circumstantial at best, and can all be easily negated. One of these arguments for theism is the existence of morality and the correlation of morals throughout the world and history (Hauser et al 1). This can be easily negated as, put simply, atheists are the perfect example of how this cannot be true. Without guidance and belief in gods they are just as morally good as any religious person (Hauser et al 2).

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Origins Of The Modern World History Essay

The Origins Of The Modern World History Essay Wonderful synthesis of recent scholarship on Rise of the West literature with an economic and ecological focus. Uses Global Historical Context to address most issues addressed in the Modern World History course. Use as: Teacher background Use isolated quotes/ chapters for all levels Review book at end of AP curriculum for review Questions raised: How did industry and European-style countries called nation-states-rather than highly developed agrarian empires like China and India-come to define our world? How has the gap between rich and poor increased? How and why have European ways of organizing the world come to dominate the globe? Was the Rise of the West a temporary blip? Scope: Global look (but especially Europe, China and India) 1400 -1900 Chapter by chapter breakdown: Intro In the space of just 200 years, the world has seen a great reversal of fortune: where once Asians held most of the economic cards, today it is primarily Western countries and Japan. (p. 2) Concepts addressed/ introduced in chapter: Globalization Enlightenment Communism Nation-states French Revolution Weber-Protestant work ethic Disease Industrial Revolution modernization Exploration/ Encounter Progress History Colonialism Renaissance Capitalism Slavery Modes of Historical Inquiry Comparative units of analysis Definition of Eurocentrism State legitimacy Concept of Pentimento (p. 8) Ecological analysis Historical inquiry multiple causality (contingent, accidents, and conjunctures) Chapter 1 Material and Trading Worlds Circa 1400 The Chinese, for example, had a long history of contact with these kinds of people [nomads], and in fact had come to classify them into two groups the cooked, those willing to accept some of the trappings of Chinese civilization, and the raw, those who ere not. Concepts addressed in chapter: Birth of civilization Nomadic interchange Agricultural revolution Peasants Biological Old regime Cooked and Raw World systems wildlife population impact on Lebensraum Largest urban areas Peasant revolts (comp. Pugachev, Taiping, Japan, France) Bigger Questions: Role of Population growth and decline Existence of polycentric world system Chapter 2 Starting with China During those 1100 years [650 1750], the Indian Ocean was arguably the single most important crossroads of trade and generator of merchant wealth in the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (p. 49) After European introduction of armed tradeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ there were responses. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ some Asian rulers of coastal trading cities responded by walling their territories and purchasing their own cannons and gunsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. In Achehà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the Islamic ruler in the early 1500s built a formidable navy for the dual purpose of running the Portuguese blockade and capturing their ships and arms. Later, in the 1500s, through its contacts with the Ottoman empire, Acheh imported several large and well-made Ottoman guns, sufficient not just to defend themselves from the Portuguese, but to threaten Portuguese-controlled Malacca. Portuguese armed trading may have altered much in the Indian Ocean, but dar-al-Islam continued to limit what Europeans could and could not do in the world. (p. 63) Concepts addressed in chapter: Chinese history Indian textiles Zheng He Slavery Confucius Mongols Indian Ocean trade Crusades Origins and Spread of Islam Feudalism/ serfs Ibn Battuta 100 years war Islamic empires Reconquista Role of Constantinople Spice trade West African empires: Ghana, Mali Mediterranean trade (Venice/ Genoa) African gold- Mansa Musa Portuguese/ Spanish exploration East Africa Increase of armed trade in I.O. Chapter 3 Empires, States, and the New World, 1500- 1775 Where previously there had been several worlds in the world-the Chinese world, the Indian Ocean world, the Mediterranean world, and the Americas, as yet unknown to Europeans, Asians, or Europeans-after 1500 two new links drew the entire globe into a single world for the first time. (1492 and 1571) ..the first globalization (p. 67) By 1700, then, England had a government that, in the words of one British historian, was prepared to subordinate all foreign policy to economic ends.' (p. 88) In 1775, Asia produced about 80% of everything in the world, probably an increase from 1500. In other words, two-thirds of the worlds population-Asians-produced four-fifths of the worlds goods. Seen from another perspective, Europeans, at one-fifth of the worlds population in 1775, shared production of one-fifth of the worlds goods with Africans and Americans. Asia thus had the most productive economies in the three centuries after 1500. (p. 81) Concepts addressed in chapter: Imperial expansion Russia (4x), China(2x), Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Decreased nomadic influence Aztec (25 m.) and Incan (16 m) empires (strengths and weaknesses) Arrival and impact of Cortez and Pizarro Columbian Exchange Disease Forced labor Silver mining Potosi, Chinese demand, Spanish Armada Textiles New World economy: Plantation system, increase of slavery, sugar State-building (wars, competition, debt, expulsions, Inquisition, Enlightenment) Mercantalism 7 years war/ French Indian wars = the first world war? Chapter 4 The Industrial Revolution and its Consequences, 1750 -1850 Indeed, India around 1700 was the largest exporter of cotton textiles in the world and supplied textiles not just to meet English demand, but throughout the world as well. Southeast Asia, east and west Africa, the Middle East, and Europe were major export markets, in addition to the large domestic Indian market. No wonder that the demand for Indian cotton in the eighteenth century was greater than all the weavers in the country can maunfacture and that India accounted for fully one quarter of the world manufacturing output in 1750. (pp. 96- 97) It was as if the British had subjugated the Indian peninsula simply in order to use its resources against China. (p. 117) Concepts addressed in chapter: Use of coal to replace wind, water animal power Cotton textiles-cost of food not labor is what made textiles cheaper Increased protectionism by E. Role of VOC and EIC Battle of Plassey/ Clive > India Use of slave markets in Americas for cheap textiles Demographic changes in China Role of gender in textile industry in China (107) Tea Opium Wars Use of iron and steam Chapter 5 By 1900, India accounts for barely 2% of world manufacturing output, China about 7%, while Europe alone claims 60% and the United States 20%. (p. 123) Without opium à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ there probably would have been no British empire. (p. 130) Concepts addressed in chapter: De-industrialization/ ruralization of India Industrialization of Br, Fr, Ger, US, Russia and Japan Recessions Social consequences of Industrialization factories and work women and families resistance and revolution (Communist Manifesto) Nationalism (nations- French Rev) state legitimacy Tools of empire in Africa and China (Maxim gun, quinineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) Taiping Rebellion (20 m.) Japans imperialism Spanish American war Ecological trends Deforestation- India, Latin America El Nino famines (p. 148) HOW DOES THIS WORK?) Social Darwinism, racism justifies the success -> genocides Conclusion interactions among various parts of the world account for most of the story of the making of the modern world, not the cultural achievements of any one part. Indeed those achievements are not understandable except in a global context. The whole-in this case the world and its modern history-thus is greater than the sum of its parts. (p . 155) It seems to me that pentimento is an apt metaphor for exploring the patterns of change and continuity in world history. If we think of the pattern of world history being composed of two primary layers, the first is a picture of a world in which Asia shines most brightly, as it did from 1400 to about 1800. That picture, though, was covered up over the past two hundred years by a new one depicting the rise of the west. Now though that second painting is beginning to fade and elements of the first one-the wealth and power of Asia are again beginning to show through, reasserting some of the worlds previous patterns, though in new contexts and with important variations. (p. 159) Concepts addressed in chapter: 20th century developments wars, depression, technological developments, decolonization role of international organizations Idea of pentimentoChange and continuity Sequel: Story of resistance to Modern World (p. 161) Critiques: 1900 stop but examples go beyond that year Time jumping within periods (ex. of peasant rebellions) China emphasis Redundancies Synthesis Dense for students?

Jack Kerouac and The Beat Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays

Jack Kerouac and The Beat      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jack Kerouac, was born on March 12, 1922 in Lowell, Massachusetts, as the youngest of three children.   Jack decided to be a writer after his brother Gerard died at the age of nine.   From the life and death experience of his brother's death, and the Catholic faith of his childhood, he developed a spiritual tendency in his character that would last throughout his life.   The fact that Kerouac was a spiritual "seeker," may be the most vital aspect of his life.   In post WWII, Eisenhower America, Jack Kerouac came from a poor rustic industrial community to change the face of American Culture forever.   He chronicled the wild rebellious culture of "the Beats" in the late 50's and early 60's, paving the way for a more accepting American Society and the tolerance of alternative lifestyles enjoyed today.         Ã‚  Ã‚   As a Roman Catholic who grew up in Calvinist New England, Jack took in a double dose of guilt and sensitivity to sin.   In his book Dr. Sax his first "bout with sexual desire, masturbation, is interrupted-in a virtual parody of crime and punishment- by the news that his dog had been hit by a car."   Jack probably could have handled this "double dose" trebled by the death of his brother.   Jack gave up Catholicism early on, but carried inside him the "sad peasant mystery of Quebec Catholics "(59 Kerouac).   The Catholic association of Kerouac's thought are as plain as an idea of his total incompatibility with Catholicism, but sometimes mistaken for it" the idea that the suffering oppression are saintly"(17, Victor-Levy).   Kerouac rejected materialism and liberalism of middle class America; for example he was not political or religious but emotional (Rumsey).         Ã‚  Ã‚   Jack r... ...the Beats" in the late fifties and early sixties, paving the way for a more accepting American society and the tolerance of alternative lifestyles we enjoy today. I.Introduction II.America Prior to the Beats   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A.Puritan Culture and Calvinism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B.Post WWII Culture   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   C. Consumption   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   D.Sacrifice for the Common Good III.Kerouac's Impacts on the Fifties and Sixties Through his Writings   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A.Glorified Individuality   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B.Promoted Cultural Diversity   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   C.Romanticized Alternate Lifestyles   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   D.Acceptance of Recreational and Personal Substance Abuse IV.Society's Alteration as a Result of Jack Kerouac   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A.More Accepting American Society   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B.the Romantic Vision of the American Rebel   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   C.Teen Rebellion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   D.Popularized Aspects of Classic Literature V.Conclusion

Thursday, September 19, 2019

performance enhancing drugs :: essays research papers

I’m pretty sure you all have engaged in some sort of athletic competition that could be classified as a sport. If you can say that you have, most of you could not keep up with some of the more naturally athletically gifted people you were competing with or against.. If you are sitting there remembering that feeling of being inadequate, thinking back when your parents told you all that mattered is that you tried your best, was a huge crock. No matter how hard you tried you failed, you felt like the scum of the earth, and everyone was laughing at you. You let everyone down, if this has ever happened to you. You are not alone you share the same feelings of many amateur and professional athletes who feel that the only way to reach their goals, to be in the limelight, to make the winning score, they need that edge. The edge that puts them ahead of the rest, to be on a level that most can only dream of achieving. The edge some athletes use is steroids. There are many types of stero ids. To many to name, so they are talked about in groups. These groups are as follows: Stimulants, Narcotic Analgesics, Cannabinoids, Anabolic Agents, Peptide Hormones, Beta-2 Agonists, Masking Agents, and Clucocorticosteroids The most commonly used is called Anabolic steroids. A anabolic steroid is a chemical similar to the male hormone testosterone. Steroids are taken by pill, or injection. They enter the bloodstream they are distributed to organs and muscle all over the body. After reaching the organs the steroids surround individual cells in the organ, and then pass through the cell membranes to enter the cytoplasm of the cells Once in the cytoplasm, the steroids bind to specific receptors and then enter the nucleus of the cells. The steroid-receptor complex is then able to alter the functioning of the genetic material and stimulate the production of new proteins. It is these proteins that carry out the effects of the steroids. The types of proteins and the effects vary dependin g on the specific organ involved. Steroids are able to alter the functioning of many organs, including the liver, kidneys, heart, and brain. They can also have a profound effect on reproductive organs and hormones. Steroids were first experimented with in the 1860 by Brown-Sequard, although he did not know what he was using.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay examples --

10. Conclusion Generally, a strong conclusion to a business plan will be a great support to grow your business while unmotivated conclusion can leave bad impressions to the suppliers and customers. Therefore, my company, Sweet Child Bready Enterprise is confident that I could compete wisely with other food manufacturers around that area. I will provide a fast, efficient yet convenient service to the customers. I hope to be one of the leading company in Malaysia food industry. I ensure the customers to get what they want by providing them with on time delivery to their houses. In addition, I really take care of the hygienic aspect of the factory. I provide masks and gloves to the workers during working hour. I also place a few fire extinguishers in case there is fire in the factory. Next, I have also installed three CCTVs in the factory to avoid any robbery. Finally, I hope that the customers will put 100% trust to my product and I promise that they will get the best quality of breads than the others. I also hope they will support me by buying the breads as they are healthy yet delicious and nutritious. 11. Appendices Research Finding Research study confirms profit potential of bread ingredient innovations July 18, 2013 Clabber Girl Corp., Terre Haute, Ind., which produces chemical leavening systems for the food industry, has released the results of an independent research study by the Kansas State University Department of Grain Science. The study confirms that with the use of Clabber Girl’s Encapsulated Fumaric Acid, the amount of calcium propionate in yeast bread recipes can be cut in half and yeast reduced by 10%, findings that have significant cost implications for the price-sensitive baking industry. The KSU stu... ...rise Jalan 6/91, Taman Shamelin Perkasa, 56100, Cheras, KL Dear Ms Nurzatulshira, QUOTATION NUMBER E542 Thank you for your enquiry of 15 July. I am pleased to quote as follows: Plain Breads RM 1.30 each Sausages RM 1.80 each This is current catalogue price, and we would allow you to trade a discount of 15%. Price include packing and delivery to your premises. It is our usual practice to ask all new customers to trade references. Please let us have the names and addresses of two suppliers with whom you have had regular dealings. Subject to satisfactory replies, we shall be glad to supply the goods and to allow you the two months’ credit requested. As there may be other items in which you are interested, I enclose copies of our current catalogue and price list. I look forward to working with you. Yours sincerely, Siti Sarah Binti Harun Sales Manage Essay examples -- 10. Conclusion Generally, a strong conclusion to a business plan will be a great support to grow your business while unmotivated conclusion can leave bad impressions to the suppliers and customers. Therefore, my company, Sweet Child Bready Enterprise is confident that I could compete wisely with other food manufacturers around that area. I will provide a fast, efficient yet convenient service to the customers. I hope to be one of the leading company in Malaysia food industry. I ensure the customers to get what they want by providing them with on time delivery to their houses. In addition, I really take care of the hygienic aspect of the factory. I provide masks and gloves to the workers during working hour. I also place a few fire extinguishers in case there is fire in the factory. Next, I have also installed three CCTVs in the factory to avoid any robbery. Finally, I hope that the customers will put 100% trust to my product and I promise that they will get the best quality of breads than the others. I also hope they will support me by buying the breads as they are healthy yet delicious and nutritious. 11. Appendices Research Finding Research study confirms profit potential of bread ingredient innovations July 18, 2013 Clabber Girl Corp., Terre Haute, Ind., which produces chemical leavening systems for the food industry, has released the results of an independent research study by the Kansas State University Department of Grain Science. The study confirms that with the use of Clabber Girl’s Encapsulated Fumaric Acid, the amount of calcium propionate in yeast bread recipes can be cut in half and yeast reduced by 10%, findings that have significant cost implications for the price-sensitive baking industry. The KSU stu... ...rise Jalan 6/91, Taman Shamelin Perkasa, 56100, Cheras, KL Dear Ms Nurzatulshira, QUOTATION NUMBER E542 Thank you for your enquiry of 15 July. I am pleased to quote as follows: Plain Breads RM 1.30 each Sausages RM 1.80 each This is current catalogue price, and we would allow you to trade a discount of 15%. Price include packing and delivery to your premises. It is our usual practice to ask all new customers to trade references. Please let us have the names and addresses of two suppliers with whom you have had regular dealings. Subject to satisfactory replies, we shall be glad to supply the goods and to allow you the two months’ credit requested. As there may be other items in which you are interested, I enclose copies of our current catalogue and price list. I look forward to working with you. Yours sincerely, Siti Sarah Binti Harun Sales Manage

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Isis power rating

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Eleven (SOIL) also translated as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or al sham (ISIS) and known In Arabic by the acronym Dates is an anta- Shell's unrecognized Islamic state In Iraq and Syria. Being unrecognized by the international community, it is difficult to accurately classify the organization/state and therefore difficult to rate in terms of power. L However, ISIS itself claims sovereignty and statehood and has proven that it is capable of forming a government and managing the territory it controls.Assuming that ISIS is a state in the international community It would be classified as a pre-modern state, unable to malignant complete self-sufficiency with power mainly In the form of hard military and law enforcement. It lacks Diplomacy and more subtle means of population control. 2 In relation to its neighbors, ISIS remains a powerful suitor to claim the territory and a substantial military power, but also uses smart powerful negotiations with m any groups and states in their location.In a power rating out of 10, ISIS can muster a 6 among the world, due not only to its surprising military success but its potential for economic prosperity. While It contains a great deal of industry and Infrastructure allowing maintaining self-sufficiency, the current state Is not responsible for the formation of the aspects or a more modern state. Instead ISIS relies on the backbone of systems set in place by the regimes that ruled over the area before SIS'S rise to power. Therefore ISIS still remains reliant on other states to function and has yet to prove substantial ability to maintain and advance such necessities.Its sources of military power come from a strong and trending Ideology that pulls In supporters room all over the world and gives the state an almost endless supply of man power. The remaining government of Iraq has stated that the state may have over 100,000 troops at its disposal. 3 That is half the amount of nearby Turkey and would put ISIS into the top 25 largest militaries on earth. 4 Another source of power in the area is the natural resources. Bother Syria and Iraq the countries occupied by ISIS has tremendous reserves of oil. Possibly the most sought after natural resource of our time, the occupied area makes pop a large part of the world's OLL reserve. If ISIS establishes Itself as a legitimate state and Is able to capitalize on Its OLL wealth It would also be able to pick up the trade relations that Syria and Iraq already maintained with many major states in the international system. A place where ISIS still lacks is access to the sea. While both Iraq and Syria have coastline and ports, ISIS is unable to maintain control of sea access for extended periods of time.Without substantial sea access the Islamic State could see Itself cut off from much needed resources and restricted to what It can produce within its area of Influence alone. We will be looking at the Instruments of power ISIS has which has seven different categories those being, Diplomatic, Information, Military, Economic, Financial, Intelligence, and Law enforcement. First let's take a look at the areas ISIS controls. First being Iraq. Iraq is a country in the Middle East with a 80 percent being Arab and the other 20 percent being Kurdish.The two major religions in Iraq at this time are Muslim and Christian. 6 The predominate language is Arabic and Kurdish, and the Arab. The two main languages are Arabic and Kurdish, and the top two religions are Muslim and Christianity The country has a population of about 17 million. 8 Now let's talk about their instruments of power. When it comes to diplomacy ISIS really has none. They are not interested in finding a peaceful resolution they Just want to continue their bloody rampage in the Middle East.Although they fore other countries to be diplomatic to find a solution to get rid of ISIS as you can see in this quote from the U. N. â€Å"It called on Member States to take n ational measures to prevent fighters from traveling from their soil to Join the groups. â€Å"9 The next subject is Information his is one of SIS'S strong suits. As a whole their organization is very well informed. They have a very big communication network all over the world giving them up to date information which allows them to be better informed about what's happening around them. The next subject is Military power.This is where ISIS really shines, because they are nothing but a military â€Å"state† if you will everything they do is through their fighting organizations. The only way ISIS has gained any territory is through a violent take over which usually includes widespread fighting and sometimes mass executions. For a terrorist organization they are very well equipped and trained. They are well armed having a large number of small arms. They also have a very large motor pool of vehicle, some new pickup truck as we have seen in many pictures as well as many heavy mili tary vehicles like tanks they capture as they advance their territory.They also have more military type training than most terrorist organization and all these factors are what make them more like a formal military than a band of fighters. Even top U. S. Military officials think so as we can see in this quote, â€Å"They're incredible fighters. ISIS teams in many places use special operations HTTPS,† said the second official, who has considerable combat experience, using the military term for â€Å"tactics, techniques and procedures. † ISIS has accomplished most of its goals through military force.I'm going to combine the next two types of power because they are very similar those being economics and financial power. This is another big area for ISIS which also separates them from normal terrorist groups. ISIS is very well of financially for a couple reasons. One ISIS earns about three million dollars a day from a couple different avenues. The biggest being the sale of oil as we can see in these quotes, â€Å"Their principal source of income is the oil produced by the installations situated in the east of Syria. 10 â€Å"After all, the terrorists sell their crude oil at a bargain price – between 15 and 40 dollars per barrel, compared to an international quotation on the market of about 100 dollars. â€Å"al This shows how organized they are economically. They also make money by collecting taxes in the areas they control as well as through kidnappings of foreign diplomats. The next subject is Intelligence, again as with the information ISIS is very well informed they SE drones to survey their territories and gather info on their enemy's they have scouts as well.Just like a real military they have their own Intel networks which is one reason thy fight so effectively and can take over areas so quickly. The last type of power is Law enforcement; this is very similar to their military power they rule with an iron fist they keep control over their territories by intimidation and if people don't obey they kill them they are truly ruthless. What approach ISIS uses in the international system, might be. They would use hard power because that seems to be art power. ISIS use Smart powers the most when interacting with other nations.I say this because as I mentioned in a previous paper they know how to interact with western nations by acting refined and somewhat civilized but when they interact with its surrounding neighbors they try to appear as violent and blood thirsty as possible. That's why they use Smart power because they have specific tailored designs for each country they deal with. The Islamic State is a certainly controversial and debated institution, but due to its military power and its ability to maintain its land it shows attention to outlast the coalition's waging war against it.While it is currently dependent on the infrastructure of its predecessor states, if it were to become a recognized state the land it wishes to encompass in a caliphate is rich in resources and religious national fervor. It is an easy movement from its current position to modern self-reliant state if they are to win the war. While it is not recognized and currently despised by its surrounding nations it has a power rating of 6 out of 10 due to its impressive military success and its large possibility for economic gain.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Two friends

Present, has been efurbished quite a lot but this place still retains the characteristics of the cross- cultural Vietnamese – French The Hanoi Opera House is an architectural work is incomparable with the price outstanding value of history, culture, architecture and art. Can see the Opera House as an integral part of urban and architectural capital, contributing to the establishment of our country faces today in the cultural field. For over 100 years old and works in Hanoi Opera House exists as a symbol of architectural space, cultural and political capital 1,000 years old.Long Bi ©n Bridge Long Bien Bridge is the first steel bridge across the Red River in Hanoi, a length of 1862 built by the French. At that time, Long Bien Bridge is the largest bridge in Indochina and is one of four huge bridges in the world. But do not take pride that the long term, such a tool is built primarily by the purpose of colonization, the bridge soon to bear the buckling his war wounds. Old bridg e is an important transportation hub, became the meeting place between urban and rural, one the banks still appear the floral field bowls, one side of ife with urbanization.Today, trains, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians are still crossing the bridge. Some parts of the bridge is intact, but most have been repaired Dy tne damage. But tne or10ge Is stlll tnere as a slgnlTlcant evlaence 0T war ana history. After more than a century of existence, the Long Bien Bridge has a familiar image for many, many generations and became a cultural icon, the history of Hanoi. For Hanoi, almost everyone kept a memory of this bridge Temple of Literature Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam is a monument rich diversity and contains many recious human values of Hanoi in particular and Vietnam in general.Covering an area of 54,331 square meters, including: Lake Van, the Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam and park Glam. The value of history and culture of the Temple of Literature was confirmed during thousands of years. Quoc Tu Giam is where the examinations held important national stature and train talented people for the country and 82 preserved in Temple of Literature. It depicts of the traditional hospitality of the people It is also the encouragement and rged the next generation of today and tomorrow is always to preserve and retain traditional hospitality of the people.Many times repairing the Temple of Literature 9 March 2010, UNESCO officially recognized 82 steles at Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Glam, the legacy of the material world. It is also a lot of domestic and foreign delegations have been visiting the Temple of Literature. With the ancient architecture and the unique human values, Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam is a hyphen history of Hanoi's past and present, contributing to enrich the cultural treasure of the nation.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Confidentiality Is an Important Issue

Confidentiality is an important issue because without it, professionals would find it difficult to build relationships with their clients. Trust in a carer/client relationship is important, as a client would not want to share personal information with someone if they felt it was not confidential and Fulford (2001) agrees that confidentiality is a function of relationships.This could be why new employees in the caring profession find it difficult to relate to their clients until a relationship has been formed. When a person gives information about themselves to other people such as doctors or carers, that person is giving their consent for the professional to share the information given. This kind of consent is known as ‘implicit consent'.It is when a person gives consent with out realising they have and unless they specifically ask for the information to be strictly confidential, then that information will be shared amongst other professionals within that profession (Unit23, p6 7) This kind of consent is usually present when a client or resident can not make decisions about their information being shared, maybe the client is unconscious or has learning disabilities. The Department of Health (1996) states those professionals in this position must be trusted to act in their patient's best interests.Another type of consent is known as ‘explicit consent. This is consent given with the patient or client knowing about it. For instance, if a person was filling out a form and it stated that the information provided on the form is shared among other professionals, it would then ask for a signature to allow for this sharing to occur. In today's working environment, it is common place for people, other than professionals, to have access to their employees' records. Having access to these records can help management to promote a person's professional†¦

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Haditha – descriptive writing

Haditha is a large, peaceful farming town situated in western Iraq. It is saturated with primitive, concrete buildings that lace the sandy, debris-ridden roads. They are all painted a sickly shade of yellow which has flaked away from their exteriors over time and now reveals a depressing grey colour. The gigantic palm trees dwarf the grimy, one-floored houses. Most of the shops display smashed or boarded windows. The interiors are eminently dark. The wallpaper is badly torn and peeling away from the walls where it meets the ceiling. Scorch marks from grenades heavily stained the floor and deep bullet holes scarred the walls. No furniture is present – just small, sharp pieces of broken glass and devastated shrapnel. Corrugated iron awnings hang over the pavement at the front of the shops, dismally shadowing the people that walk beneath them. There is a small, crumbling petrol station at the end of the long road that looks like it hasn't operated for years. The attached shop also has smashed windows and vacant interiors. The sign on the roof of the building is badly corroded and rusting; some of the red, Arabic letters have fallen off completely. The pumps are severely damaged and submerged in litter and other large pieces of wreckage; the charred remains of a hatch-back lay next to them. Narrow, gloomy back alleys weave between the buildings of the town like a snake, creating a huge maze separated from the hustle and bustle of the streets. An M1 Abrams tank and a Stryker lie dormant on the road. They are both surrounded by a group of intimidating soldiers, with one of them lazily manning the mounted turrets. They wear baggy, yellow and green camouflage clothes; their chests buried in bags of ammunition and various other items. The rucksacks on their backs look huge in comparison to their bodies. A powerfully built soldier leans against the tank. He sweats under the intense sun and numerous layers of clothing he is wearing. He looks extremely athletic; his huge muscles stretch the fibres of his clothes to their limits. His head seems miniscule in comparison to his enormous, broad shoulders. He has a rugged, pasty complexion; his appearance seems paler still compared to the dark skin tones of the Arabs that nervously rush past. Rough stubble covers his jaw – it looks like he hasn't shaved in weeks! A small boom microphone is swung down the side of his face and hovers before his colourless lips. He is wearing dark sport shades, leaving the concealed part of his face to the imagination. His helmet isn't clipped together under his chin; it is slumped on the top of his head. The badly stitched insignia of the United States Marine Corps (a golden eagle, globe and anchor) on his left sleeve is ripped and torn, due to fall off at any minute. In his hands, he grips a scratched, matt black M16A4 assault rifle that is covered with attachments: a small sight, a cylinder-shaped laser distance finder and a grenade launcher. He is far from under-protected; he wears thick, deep grey padded gloves that look ten sizes too small for the soldier's shovel-like hands; along with camouflage pads that are loosely fastened to his bulging knee and elbow joints. The sun drearily hangs on the horizon, casting large, oblong shadows across the town. It slowly creeps down and out of sight, allowing the town to descend into darkness. The distant sound of repetitive gun fire that rattles through the air is rather soothing. The noise of large metal rotors from several Apache helicopters fills the air as they fly overhead, deafening everyone for miles around. Their chiselled, futuristic exteriors reflect something from a sci-fi movie. In a back alley, a dark-skinned insurgent stands facing a feeble-looking man, who anxiously holds a large, black leather briefcase. The insurgent's head is covered with a red, patterned table-cloth type material that falls below his neck; with only one small gap across his face that reveals his hard, piercing eyes. The rest of his body is draped in a brilliant white, silk robe. A grubby AK-47 with no stock is loosely strapped to his back. The man holding the briefcase has scars running across his face, the most prominent stretching from his ear right down to his lips; it looks like he has tried shaving with a cheese grater. Standing next to each other, the insurgent is almost a head taller than the man. Sweat pours down the man's face as he nervously hands the briefcase over to the insurgent, who eagerly stands awaiting the delivery. Their meeting is interrupted by two soldiers shouting loudly and running towards them. The insurgent and the man quickly scurry off into the embracing darkness of the back-alley. The town sinks in to darkness for another night. The cool, crisp air replaces the sweltering heat. A light breeze whistles over the empty town as people start heading for their homes; eventually the density of people in the streets declines into nothing. The few street lamps that braid the road faintly flicker. Bright green tracer from the direction of the distant gun-fire spontaneously shoots off into the night sky at various angles and then disappears from view. The lonesome soldiers huddle together around the grumbling vehicles, desperately trying to share the little body heat they have. In place of dark sports shades, they now wear huge, black bulky night vision goggles. All the lights are off, except for the moon that dimly lights up the night sky. The town is asleep.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Management styles, business ethics & the legal environment of business Essay

Management styles, business ethics & the legal environment of business - Essay Example A manager could not have all these qualities at the onset but should be developed and honed as experience requires. 3. Managers all have different styles of managing. Yes, I believe that managers have different styles of managing and leading depending on different factors: the personality of the manager, the personalities of the subordinates and the situation at hand. Managers could therefore be autocratic, democratic, free-rein depending on these factors and situation. 4. What management style(s) is/are most effective? There is not one effective management style. As emphasized by Martires (181), management or â€Å"leadership style should fit the situation where it is applied. Leaders must consider various organizational factors such as the nature of the task, the amount of authority, and group support to determine which style to adopt†. 5. What management style do/would you practice? In this regard, as a potential manager for UPC, I intent to practice the situational model w here the style of managing would depend on the people I would be working with and on the situation. 6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a manager. The advantages of becoming a manager are: (1) being instrumental in transforming the organization and the people from where the organization currently is to where it plans to achieve; (2) being accorded the opportunity to develop potentials in people; (3) assuming different roles such as directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating; (4) bridging the gap as the middle person between higher management and subordinates; and (5) assuming a form of power in the organization to influence the behavior of others to bring about desired results. On the other hand, the disadvantages are: (1) being the person to blame in times of organizational errors or deviations from goals; (2) expectations are usually generally high in terms of ability to generate positive results and outputs; and (3) accountability for people under oneâ₠¬â„¢s jurisdiction. 7. How does the size of the business impact the roles & responsibilities of managers? The size of the business significantly affects the roles and responsibilities of managers. For large organizations, for examples, there are more managers assigned in different departments to conform to specific functions: marketing, human resources, operations, finance, among others. In smaller organizations, sometimes, there is a need for only one manager who is expected to assume the tasks and responsibilities for all functions (finance, marketing, human resources) depending on the number of people being managed, the products or services, and the target markets. While doing your research for the management position you run across a memo that confirms that several people who got the vaccine became ill. One of them required hospitalization for two weeks. Medical experts believe the vaccine was the cause of their illnesses. 8. Should you say anything about the memo during your in terview? As a prospective manager, one is expected to be transparent in all undertakings that affect crucial aspects of the organization’s operations. In this situation, if the vaccine was the cause of the illness, all the more that the situation should be elevated to authorized officers of the organizat

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The democratic and participative management styles Essay

The democratic and participative management styles - Essay Example When the employees feel that they are being involved in the decision-making process, they tend to give more feedback and ideas that may be beneficial for the management. It is in fact, the employees at the bottom level who are doing most of the hands-on job of the organization. Allowing them to take part in the decision-making process gives them the idea that management is willing to listen to them and to consider them as important members of the organization not just robots that they command to do certain things.  In the consultative style, the management raises the issue with the employees and considers the employees’ ideas and opinions regarding the issue. The employees become part of the decision-making process because the management opens its doors for feedback and opinions of the employees. This is the same for the participative management style. The difference lies in the final decision-making process. In the consultative style, the management takes responsibility and accountability of the final decision. The final decision may be influenced by the employees’ feedback. With this, the management makes the employees feel they are involved in the decision-making process but they do not share the responsibility of the decision. The management is able to create an open environment, however, the downside of this style happens when the management’s decision does not conform to the majority or minority of the group. This might create a feeling of rejection for those who gave.